Star Trek Expanded Universe

Into the Black is a live-streamed Star Trek Adventures tabletop roleplaying game run by Jemma Hooper, lead producer of Big Universe Games. Jemma acts as game mistress and stream producer. The game follows the adventures of the crew of the USS Sacagawea (NX-74014), a prototype Intrepid-class space-vessel, launched on Feb. 22, 2370.

Cast Members[]

Note that not all of the cast members are comfortable sharing their full names publicly. The name used is that provided for their nameplate on the game overlay.

Name Character Ship Role
Jemma Hooper Game Master N/A
Felicity Pickens Cpt Gaale Ixa Commanding Officer
Kirsten Cmdr Tyzo Zh'ekinor Executive Officer, Chief Security Officer
Nick W Lt Cmdr Seltar Riddat Flight Officer
L.K. Lt Kee-Tenn Chief Science Officer
Ulfrigg Lt Andris Grax Chief Operations Officer

Episodes To Date[]

The first episode of Into the Black aired on February 22nd, 2020 on Jemma Hooper's Twitch Channel. Since then, shows have been weekly. As episodes are published to youtube, links will be added to the table below. 

Into the Black episodes
Episode Number Logline YouTube Link
1 The crew of the USS Sacagawea heads to Jerilia V to pick up a group of archaeologists and the artifacts they have discovered, and on the way to their drop-off point, stop to help a Ferengi vessel in distress. link unavailable
2 The Ferengi from the previous episode attempt to steal an important artifact from the archaeological team. Meanwhile, Lt Grax, a telepath, finds themself in an odd encounter with that artefact. link unavailable
3 Now at Starbase 24, the crew of the USS Sacagawea receives orders that they are to journey through Klingon space to Starbase 324, AKA Narendra Station. After capturing a pirate, they meet an interesting Klingon named Norloq Tannesh at the border control station around Archanis and encounter something interesting at their first-way point in the Qu'Vat system. link unavailable
4 The crew of the USS Sacagawea encounters an ion trail near Mempa which they decide to chase down. The action that follows results in a highly charged moment, where the level of intrigue in Klingon politics becomes clear. link unavailable
5 The crew of the USS Sacagawea dock at Starbase 324 and receive a briefing from Admiral April Hebert, Federation co-commander of Narendra station. Dinner plans are made, and the crew explores the station. link unavailable