Star Trek Expanded Universe

The J3 torpedo (later known as the J47 torpedo) was an experimental torpedo the Dominion tried testing out in 2374. Information on it was taken in by the USS Phoenix-X and for years had been secretly worked on by Lieutenant GoyCho. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "The Tiloniam System", "Experimentalism")

In 2374, the Dominion attempted to test the torpedo and use it for plans of destruction. A fleet of their ships were able to destroy the Tiloniam system star using the torpedoes. But a few malfunctioning torpedoes were unsuccessful in an attack against the Phoenix-X. ("The Tiloniam System")

The J3 torpedo was finally thought to be completed in 2382 aboard the Phoenix-X. Along with the Romulan starship IRW Caterina, both vessels attempted to test out the torpedoes. A test was successful with the Caterina, but when it came to the Phoenix-X, there was interference by a virus of some sort. The virus eventually renamed the torpedo the J47 torpedo and rendered the whole experiment inconclusive. ("The 47's")

The torpedo complement themselves were removed from the Phoenix-X in 2383. The Cell sent its schematics to Starfleet Corps of Engineers under an anonymous identity. ("Transphasic Meltdown")

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