Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
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Lieutenant Jason Hawk is currently the Chief Flight Control Officer onboard the USS Hyperion for a training mission. Hawk is played by Shia LeBeouf. (Star Trek: Hyperion)


Hawk was born on March 17, 2363 in Boise, Idaho, on planet Earth. He had a normal childhood until his brother, Lieutenant Sean Hawk died while serving onboard the USS Enterprise-E in 2373 while Jason was only 10 years old. After hearing the news of his brother's death, Jason dedicated his life to becoming the most famous Hawk in Starfleet history to honor his brother's memory. Being in Starfleet is a Hawk family tradition dating back to Jason's great-great grandfather, Thomas Hawk, who served on Enterprise (NX-01) as an engineering officer.

Strengths and weaknesses[]

He is a quick learner and loves a challenge. He is weighed down by the memory of his dead brother, Lieutenant Sean Hawk, who died onboard the USS Enterprise-E.


He wants to one day be a famous starship Captain.

Hobbies and interests[]

He enjoys playing sports and enjoying recreation time in the holodeck.

Service jacket[]

Red Cadet (DS9)
Cadet Accepted into Starfleet Academy as a Flight Control Cadet in 2381
Red Cadet (DS9)
Cadet Began his second year at Starfleet Academy in 2382
Red Cadet (DS9)
Cadet Began his third year at Starfleet Academy in 2383
Red Cadet (DS9)
Cadet Began his fourth year at Starfleet Academy in 2384
Red (DS9)
Chief Flight Control Officer - Ensign, USS Hyperion Graduated from Starfleet Academy, promoted and assigned to Hyperion as the Chief Flight Control Officer in 2385
Red (DS9)
Chief Flight Control Officer - Lieutenant JG, USS Hyperion Promoted later in 2385
Red (DS9)
Chief Flight Control Officer - Lieutenant, USS Hyperion Promoted in 2386

Background information[]

  • For Star Trek: Hyperion, Shia LeBeouf won the role of Jason Hawk. Another actor who was in the running was Justin Long, who sources claim has won the role of Jason's Great-Great Grandfather, Thomas Hawk. Justin will play Thomas Hawk in an upcoming episode of Star Trek: Artemis.

External links[]
