Star Trek Expanded Universe

Jeanne-Marie Jacoba Chartier was a Starfleet officer active in the late 23rd (Star Trek: Avenger: "Belonging") and early 24th centuries. (Star Trek: Shadowstar Station)

By 2292, she was a yeoman, with the rank of ensign in the Intelligence department on USS Avenger.

By the late 2310s, Chartier held the rank of captain and was an intelligence officer assigned to Shadowstar Station.

Early life[]

Chartier was born in Montreal, Quebec, North America, to Jacob Chartier and Robin (née Davis) Chartier. She has two younger heterozygotic twin sisters, Celia Chartier and Carol Chartier (b. 2271).


The character's given name was derived from the given name of a high school friend of the author's, and the surname of another. Her middle name is after the actress Cobie Smulders.

When the character was created in the early 1990s, there was an extant movement for Quebec to secede from Canada. In either aired or published Trek, there is nothing to confirm that such a secession did or did not happen.
