Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Admiral John Hayes was the Starfleet Commander of Starfleet from 2378 through 2380. (Star Trek: Pioneer)


Hayes' first command was the USS Truman, where he was credited with discovering the inherent command talents within Harold Anton, who began his service about the USS Truman as a deputy chief of security and had worked his way up to the ship's executive officer under Hayes. After Hayes was promoted to the rank Admiral and given command of Starfleet Operations he promoted his former executive officer to the command of the Truman. Hayes rose up the ranks of Starfleet Command to eventually become Starfleet Commander. As Starfleet Commander Hayes promoted Benjamin Kelsoe to the rank of captain and offered him the command of the USS Pioneer. ("The So'ja Incident" through "The Teacher")


In 2380, Admiral Hayes was aboard the USS Guanine (NX-88708), a Cosmos-class prototype, when there was a malfunction during the ship's Quantum slipstream drive testing trials. Commander Taylor Ferguson, the ship's executive officer, Admiral Hayes, and the entire engineering crew died in the explosion. ("The Teacher")
