Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Petty Officer Jose Luiz, born Legolas Mary-Sue Moonchild, was a Human MACO who served under Lieutenant Rachel Connor. (Bait and Switch)


Early life[]

Luiz was born Legolas Marisu Moonchild to a mother of Ecuadorian extraction on the Federation colony world Aldebaran IV. His mother had gone on a "back to nature with lots of marijuana kick" while pregnant, and inflicted the unfortunate child with an equally unfortunate name. Large and intelligent, Luiz played soccer competitively and made several friends. (Rock Bottom, Rachel)

Leaving home and changing his name to "the most generic Hispanic name [[[Lieutenant]] Alicia Gantumur] ever heard" the day he turned 18, Luiz worked several manufacturing jobs and had at least two romantic relationships before enlisting in Starfleet early in the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410. (Rock Bottom)

Starfleet career[]

Luiz initially trained as a Security officer, but was moved to MACO after it was determined that he was capable of effectively handling a heavy SAW phaser, and was of above-average intelligence. Perceptive and with keen tactical instinct belying his bulk, Luiz trained in demolitions and was fairly quickly promoted to Petty Officer. In 2409, he was assigned to the squad of Lieutenant Rachel Connor, who had recently used a political favor to get herself reactivated as a MACO officer. He quickly became one of her most trusted men, helping her in several key missions including Operation Mockingbird. (Liberation)

Luiz was a staunch advocate for Rachel during her battles with her inner demons. He comforted her and helped distract her after a post-traumatic flashback following her rape at the hands of ex-MACO Ellen Shaw in 2411. (Rock Bottom)

Personality, abilities, and appearance[]

Luiz was an affable, burly man, described as massive and extremely tall, more so even than Klingon squadmate K'tar. Patient, dependable, a loyal Federation officer, and a fan of strategy games including chess and tlhInSa, he frequently played the latter game with Finnish Human officer Aarno Kallio. Intelligent and immensely physically strong for his species, Luiz worked out extensively to maintain his physical edge, and was the kindest and most even-tempered of his squad.
