Star Trek Expanded Universe
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K'Ragh, Son of D'ward (AKA "K'Ragh The Fool") (War of the Masters Contiuity)[]

Birth order: 3rd son of D'Ward, brother of Woldan

Role: Klingon Officer, Leader


Height: 1.6 M

Weight(average): 179.4 Kg (average over his career)

Hair: reddish brown (Later verging on gray after Ker'rat)

Other notes: It has been remarked that K'Ragh has a nose considered disproportoinally large for a Klingon of the upper classes. His ridges are likewise seen as unattractively understated and underdeveloped. On the whole, he is:

Short for a Klingon

Wiry-framed (after his experiences on Ker'rat)

and by most Klingon standards, somewhat ugly.

Career notes:[]

Ty'Gokor War Academy

2nd KDF Regulars Fleet, 18th Reconaissance Squadron (2400 to 2404)

Missing and presumed dead at Ker'rat, 2406

Returned from being pronounced dead, 2408

Klingon Promotion, Commanding General 3rd Fleet KDF, 2409

Assigned Military Governor of the Hromi sector, 2412

Written Works;[]

"History is Not Legend: A fact-based analysis of the Empire's history" (4 volumes, Banned by order of the Klingon High Council)

"Foolish Notions: The wreckage of our past and what it means for our future." (1 Volume, Banned and blacklisted by the Klingon High Council)

"The Voyages of Kharne the Unstoppable" (6 volume set, Ty'Gokor Publishing, reprinted in the Federation with permission.)

"A critical analysis of Federation Strategy and Tactics in the Hromi Eviction" (Academic Paper, gray-listed by the Klingon High Council)

"Surviving an Assimilated environment: eighteen months on Ker'rat" (1 volume, reprinted and translated both in the Klingon Empire, and the Federation)

"I am a Fool, because I ask questions." (Monograph, Cold Butte Publishing 2415)

"Warriors who Keep the Peace, Kirk to Eleya" {unpublished}

"The Conquests of Kirk!" {Comedic Opera, banned by Chancellor's order for 'improper themes', 2405)

"an analysis of the Bajoran Occupation and the Cardassian Wars" (Academic paper, Ty'Gokor Publishing, several reprints)

"Pursue Victory, then engage in battle, a critical analysis of warfare by the Empire and how it can be improved" (3 Volumes, blacklisted by the Klingon High Command)

"Thirty Years of War: From the Gorn to Hromi" (Contribution)

The Breakdown:[]

K'Ragh son of D'Ward is the runt of his family, from his below-average height, to his disreputable habits, to his tendency to question everything, he has been disowned twice and even faced Discommendation on multiple occasions.

He is also one of the tactical geniuses behind Starfleet's early losses in the Hromi Conflict, makes intelligent use of covert operations and destabilizing missions, and helped General B'Sanos design one of the most successful occupation campaigns in the last two centuries.

He is that most rare and disturbing of beings, a Klingon Intellectual. in his case, an Historian unsatisfied with the glory of his people's legends. The man insists on engaging the universe's facts.

The only reason this man hasn't been killed by the vast number of people who find him to be annoying, inconvenient, and uncomfortable (and that is a LONG list) is because he is so very good at applying controlled violence, and doing the unexpected in unexpected ways at unexpected times.

In modern terms, K'Ragh holds a minor record for the number of documents he has written that have either been classified out of public perception, blacklisted by the Klingon authorities, or outright banned by the High Council. This is an accomplishment he is perversely proud of.

Perhaps almost as proud as he is of announcing himself as "The Fool"-a nickname that was an insult when it was laid on him as a boy, and later as a Cadet at Ty'Gokor.

During the Hromi Conflict of 2400 to 2409, he was one of two Klingon officers that Starfleet Intelligence identified as the most problematic commanders on that front. The other, was his classmate B'Sanos.

HIs disappearance at the fall of Ker'rat was greeted in some quarters as good news, particularly by Starfleet Intelligence. His resurfacing (many kilograms lighter and with a variety of scars) was greeted with some dismay, however, the Armistice made the prospect of the Klingons having 'Both their Geniuses' somewhat less threatening.

in late 2409, K'Ragh's personal researches into Klingon History led to discovering the fate, and final course, of the last ship of the very first fleet launched from Qo'noS, the IKS Qo'noS Bortas. taking advantage of the Armistice, he took his personal flagship, IKS Veq'Duj, to pursue, and if possible, recover the ancient vessel at .9 C (*nine tenths the speed of light), a complex and difficult proposal under ideal conditions, made worse by the position of the wreck, plunging past the Truce line into Treaty-agreed Federation territory. Starfleet sent a response, and thus, how a Klingon General who was outspokenly against renewing an Alliance with the Federation, became friends with a Starfleet Captain named Kanril Eleya, who had similar views on the same subject. {"Looking into Enemy Eyes")

2411-K'Ragh would be forced by circumstances to kill his best friend, Lord B'Sanos, in a duel after that worthy led an attempted coup against the High Council in opposition to the establshment of a new Federation/Klingon alliance. He would, as a result, using an obscure point of Klingon law, adopt B'Sanos's sons and family entirely, and was appointed Governor of the Klingon held portion of the Hromi Cluster, and commanding general of the Hromi Cluster border fleet. The duel occurred on Boreth, and General K'Ragh remained reluctant to discuss the matter with outsiders, or even fellow Klingons. (It may be noted, that K'Ragh did this to preserve the stability of the Empire, by killing a man whose views were so very close to his own.)

in 2413 K'ragh emigrated to the Moab Confederacy world of Cold Butte, moving the Fleet headquarters to that system from the more distant Ganalda Station that commands the sector. ("Come the Fall, A Change")

References (off site)
