Star Trek Expanded Universe

K'Rak was a Starfleet security officer aboard Starbase 001 in 2752, later transferred to the USS Enterprise-R. (Star Trek: 001)


Sometime before 2752, K'Rak had a good friend who was a human. His friend introduced him to bloody marys and could drink a Klingon under the table. But their friendship ended when the friend defected to the Alliance with valuable intelligence information. ("The Last Place You Look")

In 2752, K'Rak was aboard the USS Domtar en-route to Starbase 001 as part of a transfer and promotion to its chief of security when the Domtar was disabled in Old Neutral Zone by the IRW Rukorna. There, he killed several occupying Romulans and escaped with T'Kila to the rescuing USS Pollux. ("New Beginnings")
