Star Trek Expanded Universe

Krorath was a Klingon, a member of the Klingon Defense Force and commanding officer of the IKS Hammer of Kahless during the 23rd century.

Krorath Cat

Krorath considered Erick Minard to be a "honorable adversary". On stardate 6502.8, Krorath sent a subspace message of condolence to him after the death of his wife, Emily. (Starship Valiant: Minard, Around the World and Forever)

Krorath led the task force sent to eradicate the tribbles from their home world of Iota Gemorium IV. (Lexington Adventures: Rise of the Tribbles)

Krorath and the Hammer of Kahless was part of the assault group at Wolf 359, rescuing the U.S.S. Constar. (The 11th Hour: A Fan Film Production)

In the year 2273, Minard contacted Krorath to tell him that he had as yet not learned who or what was behind an attack which had destroyed a Klingon fleet. (Requiem: A Star Trek Fan Production)

In 2293, or early 2294, Krorath contacted Minard to find out why the Federation had apparently infected the Klingon people with a strange virus. A virus which was released when the Praxis moon exploded and a derelict Federation vessel, the U.S.S. Carson, which had been in storage at Praxis, was destroyed. (Much Afraid: A Star Trek Fan Production)

At some point over the years, Krorath adopted Erick Minard and other humans into his House,

Krorath kept a Terran house cat, which was white. (Requiem: A Star Trek Fan Production)

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