Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Kurok'Tekan was a Jem'Hadar soldier in the Dominion at the rank of First and in command of the Lyngon-5328. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2410, Kurok'Tekan joined Captain Menchez in tracking and finding a lost Hur'q colony, where they met a coherent Crystals Systems Analyst Hur'q named Craven. During the mission, he disobeyed his Vorta commander Feylou. ("For the Dominion!")

While visiting Deep Space 9, Kurok'Tekan debated what life is about with Captain Oroku Seifer. ("Tethers")

In 2411, Kurok'Tekan visited Risa where he partook in a competition for temporal artifacts with Captains Elric, Kadaj and Kitsu. The group discovered a time traveling telephone booth engineered by the Ferengi Corps of Engineers which Risa resident Sovak had been secretly searching for. ("Sea of Artifacts")
