Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Lalubell is a Bolian holiday. A day of remembrance and joy, it was described as "a ruckus, a party...a Valentine's for loved ones." Part of the traditional celebration involved making as loud a noise as possible to send out into the universe, so wherever they were, living or passed, a person's loved ones would hear. (Clear Skies)

In early 2381, Lt. Commander EXEO of the USS Ross grew concerned about crew morale following the ship's long journey to Starbase 24 and anticipating the next leg of the trip to the Shackleton Expanse. With the support of Captain Sull and Ambassador Madzhin-Nil, EXEO organized a Lalubell celebration on the ship's Promenade, so the engineering crews could bond around Chief Lynadas and the entire crew could celebrate. (Clear Skies: "SB-24", "Before Hell, Part 2")

Lalubell was an original creation of Clear Skies, devised by Gina DeVivo, who played EXEO.

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