Star Trek Expanded Universe

Laumar Gotens was a Starfleet officer and Captain in the early to mid 23rd century. She was a joined Trill and third host to the Gotens symbiont. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


Sometime before 2234, Laumar Gotens, on painkillers, agreed to and babysat a Klingon child as part of a Klingon challenge. ("The Bajoran Trove")

In 2234, Laumar was on the front lines of a conflict which involved the Federation and an enemy, on the planet Flortarios III. Her crew was trapped, in a firefight with the opposition when she was suddenly shot. She died when she returned to the Trill homeworld, but her symbiont, Gotens, was saved and transferred to a new host. ("The Links' Traitor")

