Star Trek Expanded Universe
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Leonardo 'Leo' Da Costa is a male human serving as Chief Science Officer onboard the USS Courageous, NCC-41976 and is the husband of the ship's current commanding officer, Captain T'Sara. (Star Trek: Courageous)


One of the older members of the crew, the husband of Captain T'Sara, who when offered command of the Courageous, offered him the vacant science officer’s position in order for them to serve together for a while since the ship’s primary scientific mission is exploring and mapping the region Star Station Charlie oversees. A generalist, Leonardo has a background in almost every scientific discipline, making him a perfect candidate for Science Officer, although his passion is stellar cartography and astrophysics. He also has a love of classical music and plays the violin in his free time, accompanied by his wife on her Vulcan lyre.


  • Born: 2309
  • Age: 66
  • Birthplace: Earth, Greater London Area

Service Record[]

  • Starfleet Cartography, Senior Mapping Supervisor (Cmndr) (2370-2375)
  • Starfleet Academy, Astrocartography Faculty (Lt. Cmndr) (2360-2370)
  • USS Blake, Excelsior-class, Mission Specialist (Lt. Cmndr) (2358-2360)
  • Starfleet Academy, Postgraduate (Lt.) (qualifies as General Science Officer) (2356-2358)
  • Vulcan Science Vessel T’Pol, Soval-class (Commission Inactive) (2354-2356)
  • Vulcan Science Academy, Postgraduate (attains doctorate) (Commission Inactive) (2350-2354)
  • USS Pioneer, Miranda-class, Head of Stellar Cartography (Lt.) (2340-2350)
  • USS Pioneer, Miranda-class, Senior Cartographic Specialist (Lt, jg) (2336-23-40)
  • Science Station Sierra-3, Junior Mission Specialist (Ensign) (2333-2336)
  • USS Fredicks, Oberth-class, Junior Cartographic Specialist (Ensign) (2331-2333)
  • Starfleet Academy, Cadet (2327-2331)


External Links[]
