Star Trek Expanded Universe

Looking into Enemy Eyes is a fan-fiction story formatted and written to the Star Trek Online Fan Forums in 2017. It covers a period of time after the Risa Armistice and before the Fek'Ihri invasion of Moab III (roughly early 2410).




Main Characters:[]


Kanril Eleya


This story is a 'space story', the bulk of the action occurs on an ancient, first-generation Klingon warship drifting at relativistic velocity (.95 C_ or nine and a half tenths the speed of light), the wreck is the only known remaining hull from the Klingon Empire's first foray into warp travel and warfare, and it's thousands of years old, and on the wrong side of the newly established line of demarcation between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. (by 'wrong' I mean, it's on the federation side if you drew a line).

Basic Plot[]

This is an exploration story with action elements, in a cold-war detente timeframe. The final peace between the Klingon Empire, and the United Federation of Planets has not yet been achieved, only a cease-fire and temporary armistice.

Starfleet intelligence detects the launch of a Klingon Battlecruiser under the command of one of the KDF's most effective wartime commanders, and fears that this may be a 'cowboy' operation to break the armistice and renew the war must be satisfied. Admiral Alcott dispatches Captain Kanril Eleya and her vessel, the USS George Hammond to find out what in the bloody blue blazes the Klingons are playing at, and if this is, indeed, an act of war.

Meanwhile, General K'Ragh in his flagship veQ'Duj (literally, "Garbage Scow") is on a mission of some personal importance, chasing a relic from the lost (buried, edited, altered and ignored into legend) past of the Empire. His target? IKS Qo’noS bortaS, the only vessel from the very first fleet launched by the Klingons, not listed and confirmed destroyed in the Empire's very first foray into interstellar warfare and flight.

For General K'ragh, the pursuit is seeking confirmation of suspicions he's held privately that the Klingon People have had whole chapters of their history bowdlerized by various regimes. He's out to prove his forbidden history theories and Qo’noS bortaS will do that.

The interception goes as planned-mostly. The arrival of USS George Hammond being one possibility that K'Ragh had anticipated. The tense standoff is resolved without bloodshed, and both crews take away teams to enter, and survey the wreck.

What they find there, changes a few minds on both crews, and shows that just because it's quiet, doesn't make it safe.

Original Posted story:[]
