War of the Masters continuity[]
Mad Mary Moriarty[]
Name: [unknown]
Aliases: Mary Moriarty, Mad Mary Moriarty, The Giver of Pain, The Scourge, Doctor Moriarty,
Race: Onlies
Apparent Race: Appears human.
Age: "Slightly older than my teeth, and slightly younger than my tongue" (well over 300 years old)
Apparent age: Mid 20s
Hair: Red
Gender: Female
Profession: Scientist, specializing in Medical and biological fields, with some knowledge and understanding of physics and technology.
Imagine spending 300 years as a child, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse where 'growing up' meant becoming a monster. Now, imagine that a visit by the USS Enterprise brought an end to that...to a degree. In the continuity of The War of the Masters, McCoy's cure Mostly worked. Instead of aging one year for every 100, the surviving Onlies aged one year in ten after the serum stabilized. Their children would live a typical human lifespan.
Per Starfleet history, a science team worked with the survivors of the Onlies for decades, nearly a hundred years, the best educators and specialists teaching them how to at least appear civilized, along with the basic learning that the death of their previous civilization denied them. Mary was a very good student. She learned everything the Starfleet advisors had to teach, and then learned more, as they aged out, and she did not.
Eventually, she worked out enough to escape quarantine and her homeworld, to see the greater galaxy she'd dreamed of through three centuries of survival horror.
It didn't take her long to find new horrors, and with a mentality of a survivor ground into her very essence, to find ways to address those new horrors that may not be the most solidly ethical use of her excellent, prolonged, education.
Her career highlights reads like a charge sheet for a particularly vile war criminal, and indeed, shortly after being 'found out' by Federation officials and dragooned into a number of secret programs as a scientist in the 2360's and 2370s, even Section 31 had finally had enough of her and leaked what she was, and what she had done, to the rest of Starfleet and the Federation's justice system.
Mary's Career highlights during her time working in the Federation include:
Project advisor: Project Siegfried (Classified, no charges were filed because the program was that far in the black budget)
Director: Project Lizardtail (Charges filed include inhumane experimentation on sentients)
Deweaponization developer for Anaprolean Fever (cracking a weaponized version and developing a variable vaccine capable of preventing infection)
Development assistance to the Prion virus used against the Founders (second unit project, assistance in developing testing methodology and refining delivery systems)
Fundamental research on Borg nanotech infection cases (Criminal charges held in abeyance)
Working for the Klingon Defense Force:[]
Preliminary analysis on Fek'Ihri lifecycle and Warseed infestation in sentient living tissues.
Developing treatments for numerous weaponized viruses
Developing regenerative treatment for exposure to a number of persistent chemical weapons used by certain enemies of the Empire
Advisory role on cleansing Elachi contamination in living tissues
basic work on a vaccine for Kobali Viral infection.
Chief Medical officer aboard IKS Val'gyr 2, serving as Colonel Damjena Masaana's body mechanic.
Numerous patents on suppressants for Orion Pheromones for the KDF.
Development of 'Blue Rock' combat stimulants (for Human and non-Klingon biology)
Basic Limb Regenerative treatments and tissue restoration technologies for the KDF (a continuation of Project: Lizardtail)
Unindicted Crimes;[]
During her escape, and some ten years before she filtered back into the Federation, Mary worked for a time as a ship's chirurgeon (doctor) on the fringes of explored space, providing medical treatment for the crew of a cargo ship that was carrying refugees fleeing a disaster. That ship was taken by a hostile species, she was taken hostage. The race that did this, has a unique, and according to Mary, engineered biology in which part of the lifecycle for reproduction involves the consumption of sentient life, and the absorption during that consumption of the psychic pain and fear of their victims.
She managed her escape, and turned loose a personal store of experimental nanotech on their homeworld, scrubbed of all programming except 'consume and reproduce'.
Genocide. She genocided an entire alien species except for a few that managed to escape the destruction of their homeworld and race.
In the eyes of Federation law, and justice, Mary Moriarty is a monster.
2409: Mary was involved with the KDF contingent in the battle of Defera (fighting the borg). She developed two key technologies in concert with Dr. Kevin Monroe for recovering survivors of assimilation, and de-assimilating recently taken drones.
2410: the crew of the Val'gyr 1 were instrumental as advisors during Operation: Son Tay, Mary mainly worked on keeping survivors alive after rescue.
Eryphis Station incident-the Orion rebellion against their queen, and the Klingon Empire. Mary helped recover a dozen or so key personnel necessary to the Empire's securing of that site.
Fek'Ihri invasion of Moab III: Mary conducted a series of experiments to track the progress of Warseed infestation, as well as attempting, and demonstrating, that conventional methods were insufficient to cure infected individuals, this included an infamous experiment with a Klingon volunteer where she traced the course of the infection and the biological and neurological changes caused by Warseed Spore. This work demonstrated that converted victims could not be restored to pre-exposure condition,but would have to be killed.
Objective K incident: Dr. Moriarty., briefly in Starfleet custody, helped identify the threat of a Gatekey, outlined much of how the tech of The Good Masters functions, and was instrumental in the victory at the gate site. She also developed a serum to break and cure Dr. Akorem Tarel's Sezzanine addiction. she was released to KDF custody after the battle.
(Rumoured): Dr. Moriarty assisted a team under Fleet Admiral Jesu LaRoca to create a biological body for a synthetically generated artificial intelligence at an undisclosed site, in violation of a number of Federation and Cardassian laws. This is only rumors, and given her other experiments and known crimes, it is viewed as slander directed at the Admiral in charge of Consular Ops fleet.
Beta Two-Two incident(Undine rift at Betazed): Dr. Moriarty assisted in treatment of several Starfleet personnel injured during a rout and riot aboard that station, demonstrating an encyclopedic knowledge of de-radiation and tissue restoration. She also dissected several examples of Species 8472 that were captured by joint task force units, helping define further the biological and structural weaknesses of that race.
Goralis Rift Incident: Dr. Moriarty assisted the Joint Task Force in a number of extremely classified ways while acting as her ship's doctor and personal physician to Colonel Damojena "D'Moj" Massaana, whose orion physiology was causing cancerous growths due to overuse of Pheromone Suppressor drugs. Mary also provided assistance and instruction to the medical officers at 77th fleet in identifying the medical signs of Undine telepathic domination and Undine telekinetic assassination, as well as advising personnel in 77th Fleet (Starfleet) as to the best ways to hurt, maim, and kill species 8472. she also provided information and assistance in training methods for treating Fek'Ihri ravager venom, and clarified specifics on how to identify warseed spore contamination.
Later the same year Dr. Moriarty was brought to Bajor on request of the Brotherhood of Kern hospital, to treat survivors of the ill-fated MCDS Yoann Teena, and was confronted by Admiral Kanril Eleya regarding Project: Siegfried, whereupon she confirmed-without-confirming many of the Admiral's suspicions, as well as suggesting directions for inquiry into the canceled program, including identifying several colleagues who were no longer alive to be questioned.
Dr. Moriarty, in the company of her chief patient, was sent to the Delta Quadrant operations zone, and developed a vaccine and serum for KDF personnel to prevent Kobali resurrection virals from working on advisory personnel after an incident. Her work was not based on Vaadwuar techniques, but instead on a modified prion that would 'tune' immune response to eradicate the Kobali virus in recently dead tissues. this vaccine was offered on a voluntary basis to KDF personnel assigned to the advisory command. Her work got her ejected from Kobali territory and complaints filed against her with the Joint Command structure for war crimes.
In august of 2413, Dr. Moriarty was involved in designing a means to disrupt the life function of the various 'constructs' in use by the Iconians as foot-soldiers. her project was interrupted and she barely escaped with her life, but it did provide some basic assistance in crippling Iconian operations during the efforts to assassinate one of the Iconian leaders.
Dr. Moriarty was specifically excluded, by name, from access to Project: Annorax.
Klingon Civil War:[]
2414-15: Dr. Mary Moriarty was involved in examining the rift weapon and devising stabilizers, this work was a bit late to save Alliance Headquarters, but she got a good look at how these rifts functioned, as well as devising several technologies to allow personnel to survive a rifting attack long enough to be rescued. She also pissed off the holosimulation of Stamets for unspecified reasons. her most involved incident, however, was correctly identifying the mass psychic link in the Klingon species that houses 'Gre'thor' as well as identifying and adjusting the resurrection equipment on Boreth after it was damaged in the fighting. She has since been 'retained' as a prisoner of the Monks. This serves several powerful people's needs quite well, as the Boreth Monks are able to keep her under control and prevent her escape, while still keeping her available to the Empire for other purposes.
Open Indictments[]
Kobali Vaccine (attempted genocide, interference in another civilization, sedition, and low treason)
Unethical Medical experimentation on a sentient (multiple counts)
Attempted xenocide of a sapient species by unauthorized use of self-replicating machines (use of nanotech with the intent to create a gray goo scenario)
Violation of a sentient's mental structure: (the use of modified borg nanotech to extract information from rebel Orions during the Eryphis incident-charges filed under the seldonis VI conventions by Federation Admiral David Huntington)
Development of biogenic weaponry in violation of Seldonis IV conventions (filed by Starfleet, tribunal is suspended indefinitely)
Illegal Human Augmentation research: {Charges filed by Federation Dept. of Justice after the release of Project: Siegfried materials) 250,000 specific counts (yes, they literally filed the charge individually for all known or identified AA and AB Siegfried personnel, regardless of the wishes of said personnel)
In 2415, the Federation Supreme Court upheld a bar to entry for Dr. Mary Moriarty after the Klingon Empire refused to extradite her to face the literally thousands of counts of sentient's rights violations, medical malpractice, and excessive cruelty that have been filed against her. The compromise, was her being sentenced by internal exile to Boreth, in the care of the Monks for the remainder of her current natural lifespan (Estimated another 700 years at her current rate of aging.) [Note: the Sentence of Dr. Moriarty has been classified in both realms as 'involuntary commitment to a rehabilitation facility uniquely suited to the containment and reform of this diseased individual'-the court found her to be utterly bonkers insane.]
Personality notes;[]
Mary Moriarty affects an archaic accent that she only lets slip under severe stress situations. She is most accurately described as somewhat sociopathic, displaying a muted, if not total, lack of normal empathic reactions. Ethically, she has no problem experimenting on living, and unwilling, subjects, but she is strict about her methodology and will not conduct an experiment without decisive controls to verify her results in the classical scientific method.
Below the appearance of casual amorality and often seeming cruelty, Mary values her friends for the short time they will be part of her life, and has a fascination with seeing where societies and races will evolve to. this is coupled with her quite open admission to those 'in the know' that she is part of an evolutionary dead end. some (okay, MOST) of her work violates two or more Federation Medical ethics laws, she occasionally violates other laws, and has had to flee authorities on more than one occasion.
In simplest terms, her background has left her quite thoroughly insane.
Rational, logical, and absolutely insane.
To an extent, criminally so. Her Commander in the Klingon Defense force has a bomb implanted into the base of mary's skull, with a remote. This is to keep her 'under control'.
There are good reasons for that, though it is an open secret that Mary managed to extract the device shortly after reporting to Colonel D'Moj.
Character note from STO:[]
Mary Moriarty was my "enemy Bridge officer' reward for completing the "Marauder" duty officer string. Her evolution in the stories was partly an exploration of just what kind of mentality someone with an excessively extended lifespan would develop, particularly in a survival horror environment. Sander_233 (Greg Hodgson) helped me develop her personality initially while we were discussing the first collaboration (Coolng, which was rewritten into part of 'Spiked'), and helped me flesh her out in "A family Matter" and "Season 1: The Chase". We further ground out more of her in the second half of "visiting with the Dead" (and portions of the first half, particularly once Marq and Jesu decided they were going to break some laws doing literal "Weird Science"-that is, making a new body for Alice Okuda's recorded mind.) Mary got weirder (and yet, more normal) from there. Her final disposition is more or less an extrapolation-I wanted to add a 'science fiction' element to Gre'thor, because spirit journeys? for reals? nah. but a Psychic 'chat room' makes some sense, and the Monks would very much not want someone who can figure out their tricks getting loose, while she's an awful enough person that most sane and reasonable people would want her inside 4028 as a guest.
Mary, you see, is SUPPOSED to be a monster. She's the kind of person that would give Dr. Mengele the cold sweats, all wrapped up in a cheery, optimistic, sweet-sounding and slightly goofy redhead. She's intentionally kind of horrifying when you really think it through.
[references later, because there's a lot of them.]