Medical Corpsman (MOS#03125_)
A Medical Corpsman in the Moab Confederacy Defense force is equivalent in training to a Starfleet Surgical and Trauma Nurse, or Klingon Medical Technician.(Citation needed)
Training includes normal health maintenance of personnel, plus combat surgery, Traumatic Injury management training, and low-to-no-tech field surgical techniques. The typical loadout for an MCDF Corpsman assigned to support an Infantry squad weighs well over 50 kilograms, and they are expected to be able to do most of the jobs and duties Starfleet Medical Officers perform-but in the field, without a full sick-bay.
Sometimes without lights.
MOS Training is listed at two years, six months, and is justifiably intense, with study and analysis of over 150 different species' unique biology, structure, and biochemistry. The actual training is clearly derived from Starfleet MACO-Delta/MACO-Epsilon Special Medical Officer training, and includes primitive and low-tech alternative techniques on the assumption that equipment may be non-functional.
Named Medical Corpsman Characters:
Lisa Quhon (aka Lisa Makbar) ("A short Feature" and "Faces in the Flames")
Kendra Mattlov (The Hot Gates)
Sheri Walford (aka Alenis Sheri) "Spiked", "Create your own Fate", "The burning of Berun's World", "Myrmidons".
Trina ("Faces in the Flames")