Melissa Sharp | |
![]() | |
Actor: | Edison Potter |
Species: | Human |
Gender: | female |
Born: | 2341 Earth |
Hair: | Dark Red |
Eyes: | Grey |
Height: | 1.5 m |
Weight: | 71 kg |
Affiliation: | Federation Starfleet |
Assignment(s): | Former chief medical officer, USS Excelsior |
Occupation: | Starfleet officer |
Rank: | Ensign |
Insignia: |
Ensign Melissa Sharp was chief medical officer of Sovereign-class starship USS Excelsior from 2382 to 2385 (Star Trek: Excelsior)
Starfleet Career[]
Melissa Sharp was born on Earth to a family of physicians. Mainly human, but with an Andorian ancestor on her mother's side in the distant past. Initially preferring research to general practice, Melissa stayed on earth, writing numerous papers on microbiology. The Dominion war was brought home in 2375 during the Breen Raid on San Francisco when her lab was destroyed, most of her colleagues murdered by Jem Hadar ground troops, and Melissa herself gravely wounded. After her recovery, Melissa Sharp realized she had a talent for treating patients. But by that time, the war was nearly over, and her service record marked her as someone who shied away from dangerous combat assignments. All that changed when The Intrepid-class USS Mercury stopped at Starbase 133 after two year deep space assignment. Melissa worked closely with the Mercury's First Officer a Commander Rachel Cortez She truly liked the 6 year Ensign, but told her that if she wanted any chance of advancing her career, she would have to take on Starship duty, and face the dangers with the rest of the fleet. Ensign Melissa Sharp only asked for a starship assignment. Under normal circumstances, she could have anticipated an assignment as a junior Medical Officer on a Starship or starbase. But Captain Rachel Cortez was looking for potential, as well as talent, when she was filling out her senior staff. The diminutive young physician was the Chief Medical Officer of the USS Excelsior. In the Excelsior's first mission, Sharp faced a telepathic plague, massive battle casualties, along with a series of murders, and a mysterious infestation. Melissa rose to the challenge, as Captain Cortez predicted. Following the explosion in Excelsior's flight recorder, Dr. Sharp discovered a parasite infesting one of the blast victims, Ensign Ermez. During her initial investigation. The Bluegill parasite escaped from Ermez and entered Dr. Sharp. One of the side effects of infestation was little or no access to long-term memories. As a result, her behavior changes drew the attention of Excelsior Chief of Security Asuka Yubari. They had recently become friends, and her new behavior was raising alarm bells. After the creature left her body, Sharp faced a considerable amount of fence-mending. In the aftermath of Excelsior's destruction of Gevinon Prime, Sharp submitted her transfer request, as she was unaware that CDR Dovan intended to use the wasting to infect the Bluegill parasites and would have taken measures to stop it, as she was bound by her oath to 'do no harm'. Her request was denied by Vice Admiral Parker as part of his official cover-up of the Sword of Damocles operation. Excelsior would be sent on a two-year long deep exploration of the Delta Quadrant. It would keep the crew away from prying eyes and ears. Over the proceeding two years the hard feelings would fall away replaced by mutual respect and even affection.
With Her Subordinates[]
Nurse Mike Hennesy[]
One of Melissa Sharp's personality quirks is that she insisted on being addressed by her given name, vice her title. This preference carried over to her subordinates. One of the more noteworthy is her chief nurse is always addressed as either "Nurse Mike", or simply "Mike".
With Her Peers[]
Dr Maiek Saline[]
Melissa Sharp did not interact much with the Romulan Assistant chief medical officer . Still, they had a solid working relationship despite the fact that he was a full Lieutenant, and she being an Ensign. When she was reassigned to Starfleet Medical to study and help treat the last remaining patients of 'The Wasting', Maiek assumed her duties without any fanfare or ceremony.
With Her Superiors[]
Captain Rachel Cortez[]
Melissa Sharp first met Excelsior's future Captain when The Intrepid-class USS Mercury docked at Starbase 133 after a two year deep space assignment. Melissa worked closely with the Mercury's First Officer. Rachel Cortez truly liked the 6 year Ensign, but told her that if she wanted any chance of advancing her career, she would have to take on Starship duty, and face the dangers with the rest of the fleet. Ensign Melissa Sharp only asked for a starship assignment. Under normal circumstances, she could have anticipated an assignment as a junior Medical Officer on a Starship or starbase. But Captain Rachel Cortez was looking for potential, as well as talent, when she was filling out her senior staff. The diminutive young physician was the Chief Medical Officer of the USS Excelsior.
Lieutenant Commander Yubari Asuka[]
Lieutenant Commander Yubari Asuka was Melissa's closest friend onboard the Excelsior. Following the explosion in Excelsior's flight recorder, Dr. Sharp discovered a Neural parasite (24th century) infesting one of the blast victims, Ensign Ermez. During her initial investigation. The Bluegill parasite escaped from Ermez and entered Dr. Sharp. One of the side effects of infestation was little or no access to long-term memories. As a result, her behavior changes drew the attention of Excelsior Chief of Security Asuka Yubari. They had recently become friends, and her new behavior was raising alarm bells. After the creature left her body, Sharp faced a considerable amount of fence-mending. Eventually, their friendship healed to the point that Yubari invited her to the phaser range to coach her, even sharing one of her famous stories.
Commander Alcar Dovan[]
Professionally, Melissa Sharp and Excelsior's First officer , then Commanding officer were often at loggerheads. On more than one occasion, Dovan needed to either pull rank or do an end run to interrogate a patient, much to the chagrin of the CMO. This grew to a climax in the aftermath of the battle over Gevinon Prime. Dovan had weaponized "The Wasting" telepathic virus and introduced it to the population using the Neural parasite (24th century) infesting Ensign Ermez. after transferring it to an inoculated Isaac Brahms. He beamed him down to the surface and waited for the plague to run its course. The aftermath of the plague, combined with the use of planet-killing hellfire torpedoes wiped out all life in the Gevinon Star System. When Melissa discovered what Dovan had done, she was furious. "You won the Battle of Gevinon by using a biological weapon of mass destruction, which you deliberately lied to me about, and you don’t “follow” the reason I can’t serve under you anymore." "I did lie to you, Melissa, but I can’t apologize for it. If I’d told you about our plan to use the Wasting, you would have become responsible for it. I couldn’t allow that." "Oh, sure, very noble, Alcar. Except you know perfectly well that if you’d told me about your plan to use the Wasting, I would have stopped you. That’s what you couldn’t “allow.”" "You’re right: we would all be dead, along with the rest of the Federation. Again... I can’t apologize." "Oh, so a just society can go to any lengths to defend itself?" "I’ve heard that line before. Who said that?" "Someone very much like you, Alcar Dovan." (Picking up the Pieces) Melissa put in for a transfer. When Excelsior finally returned to Starbase 911 , Admiral Parker placed the ship in lockdown, and rejected all requests for shore leave and transfers. While the Excelsior was absent, and in its continuing silence, The President of the United Federation of Planets had ordered 'Defcon Zero' meaning the imminent defeat of the Federation. With the safe return of the Excelsior, and the successful defense of the sword of damocles, it had created a massive scandal. The Admiral was forced to limit the spread of knowledge of what really happened. Melissa was forced to remain onboard. Her rage at Dovan cooled to polite disdain. When Lohrok and Neeva were rescued, once again Dovan needed to speak to his acting First officer. Melissa refused citing the medical definition for headache. Dovan asked Dr Maiek if he had anything for Lohrok's condition. When her deception was revealed, Dovan quipped, "Lying to your Commanding Officer could get you a Court-martial. " Melissa shot back, "Then I better make sure you don't miss yours." (One More Piece: Home and Dry) Excelsior would be sent on a two-year long deep exploration of the Delta Quadrant. It would keep the crew away from prying eyes and ears. Over the proceeding two years the hard feelings would fall away replaced by mutual respect and even affection. By the end of the mission, Melissa had forgiven Alcar, even developed feelings for each other. The attraction would never be resolved, as Alcar Dovan was arrested and charged with with violation of the Prime Directive. He was convicted, and sentenced to 16 years confinement at Jaros II. They were able to say their goodbyes before Melissa left for Earth and reassignment to Starfleet Medical , and Dovan to begin his prison sentence. (And Bear Witness)
Captain Aleczahnder Lorhrok[]
A fine example of Melissa's dedication and intensity was when she was attending the then First officer following the crash of the fightercraft Patroclus when it returned to Excelsior after being attacked by unknowns: LORHROK: "Doctor! Doctor!" SHARP: "Alecz! What is it?" LORHROK: "The ship’s under attack. I need your permission to report for duty." SHARP: "Oh, I thought you were bleeding from your posterior again – or, for that matter, from any of the other brand new holes in your body. You know, if you’d been in that fire a hundred years ago, you’d have spent the rest of your life in a wheelchair that can only beep answers to “yes” or “no” questions?" LORHROK: "Doctor, this is all charming, but I need . . . . . . . . " SHARP: "You’re not listening, are you, Alecz? Let me try again: Your survival is a miracle of modern medicine and it is by no means guaranteed if you leave that bed for the next four hours. You’re going to stay right here, where the rest of my staff can marvel at my handiwork, for a good. Long. While." LORHROK: "But my ship!" SHARP: "Not my problem. Therefore, not your problem. Now, if you’ll excuse me, our captain treats combat like a getting-to-know-you card, so I have to prep for incoming casualties." (And Miles to go Before I Sleep)
Memorable Quotes[]
- "Look, Lieutenant, I'm aware my rank is lower than yours, but I'd appreciate it if you spread the word around Marine Country that I am less than amused by careless injuries, and I have absolutely no respect for preserving ‘honorable combat wounds’ or anything of the like. And there's nothing I hate more than repeat customers."
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - There you are
- "I've got enough drinks in me to think the being who looks like--the Alcar--the Alcar-being-- looks pretty good."
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - All Men Lie
- " My stomach was spilled open by a Jem'Hadar kar'takin on Starfleet Medical's front lawn. You weren't the only person who lived through the War. But look at me and then look in a mirror, Alcar. We didn't come through it the same. The things you've done... your legacy was never going to be a big treaty or voyage... or even some third-class nebula named after you. It's Gevinon"
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - Listen
- "Maybe not, but that's not the point. In that one universe in a million where Gevinon did surrender, you would have been up a creek. Because, for your plan to work, they all had to die! That's not war, it's only murder! You're a war captain because you made choices in war that you can't take back in peace. And you'll be waiting a lonnnnng time for another chance to fix that."
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - Listen
- " Chief Medical Officer's Log, supplemental. Mark medically privileged and encrypt, command lockout, authorization Sharp two four one ten. He hasn't guessed. Amasov practically told him -- would have, if he'd been more lucid that day -- but Alcar didn't get it. As God is my witness, I hope he never does. Ansibles transmit data, not matter. First thing Alecz said when he heard. So how could an ansible send a matter stream across the galaxy? Turns out... it can't. When it was over, we checked internal sensors. Whenever Alcar appeared, the overall mass in the room didn't increase, like a real transporter. The mass stayed the same. Alcar wasn't being transported. He was being vaporized... then rebuilt somewhere else from a blueprint. New matter, new body... new Alcar. That's why the Borg are able to do it -- they don't have some miraculous technological insight, they just don't give a damn. I don't know if Alcar would give a damn, either. He doesn't believe in anything as esoteric as a soul, so it could mean nothing to him... or it could mean everything. I don't want to find out. Physically, Alcar is exactly who he was before, right down to the DNA. He remembers all his jumps, so his consciousness must have made the journey -- unless he just remembers it that way. So does it make a difference? We have no evidence and can draw no conclusions. We can only hope. All I can say for sure is this: Alcar Dovan would have given his life for everyone who died on his watch. And maybe now he has."
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - Listen
- " You know, this is exactly why... you and me? Would never work. Hey. No. No self-pity. You saved thousands of men, women, and children. Somebody else chose to start a war."
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - And Bear Witness
- " I figured it out the day we left Tulia. Why do you think I didn't tell anyone? : Because, when you know you're right, you don't hesitate, you don't ask permission, and you don't give way for anything. Neither do I. And when we're both right, I don't dare imagine what could stop us. But when you're wrong... : It certainly won't happen if we're together -- because we'd kill each other the first time it did. Doesn't work. Look, Alcar, there's a monastery on Jaros Two, mendicants, I know the prior. Maybe some kind of work-release . . . . "
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - And Bear Witness
- " You’re not listening, are you, Alecz? Let me try again: Your survival is a miracle of modern medicine and it is by no means guaranteed if you leave that bed for the next four hours. You’re going to stay right here, where the rest of my staff can marvel at my handiwork, for a good. Long. While."
- — Star Trek: Excelsior - And Miles To Go Before I Sleep
Melissa Sharp is played by Edison Potter in all her appearances in Star Trek: Excelsior.