Star Trek Expanded Universe

Michael Larkin was a Federation Commanding Field Ambassador stationed at Starbase 001 in 2752. (Star Trek: 001)


Sometime before the 2750s, Michael was in a relationship with Jennifer Hurst and went to the Quantum Café together, in San Francisco, the evening of Jennifer's graduation from Starfleet Academy. Sometime later, they would no longer be a couple. ("When It Rains...")

Later, Michael attended a conference at the same time as Telle. He would later testify, in a court case, that Telle was innocent of leading a raid on a Federation colony along the border, while he was in fact with Michael at a conference.

In 2752, Fleet Admiral Thomas Garrison tried to get support from Michael for possible illegal actions to help save the Federation. Garrison gave Michael a datarod recording of proof that would support Garrison's claims that there was a computer core issue at San Francisco Fleet Yards that would put the Federation at risk of an Alliance invasion.

While stationed at Starbase 001, Michael had a desire to confess his love to Jennifer Hurst, but instead invited her to lunch.

After agreeing to help Garrison, he took on a mission to seek out his Cardassian contact, Telle, on Chin'toka III and deliver the datarod meeting-recording-evidence of the Federation's ship construction issues. In return, Telle betrayed him and chased his shuttle from Telle's Galor-class Tragor for Larkin violating the sovereignty of their borders. Larkin used a planetoid to nearly escape, but was still caught and taken prisoner by the Tragor before sending out a distress call to Captain David Major. ("New Beginnings")

Later, he was taken to and tortured at an Alliance prison camp on Cardassia Prime, overseen by Legate Broden. Breaking into a console and commandeering a Cardassian scout ship, Larkin was able to escape the planet and find protection by Colonel Bele of the Bajoran Militia. When he was safely on Bajor, Larkin sent out distress messages which were intercepted by Drayson Hardgrove.

While on Bajor, Michael met with the Bajoran Chamber of Ministers, which included Minister Nemcke, and convinced them to join Bajor as a member of the Federation in light of increased hostilities with the Alliance. When Nemcke offered Larkin an office on Bajor, Larkin declined but promised to send them the best the Corps had to offer.

When he was picked up by the USS Gambit, he became surprised and angry to discover Jennifer Hurst was its first officer and that she was in Starfleet under Starfleet Intelligence. ("The Last Place You Look")

After Starbase 001 was knocked into and returned from an alien subspace domain, Larkin met with Jennifer Hurst for lunch at the Quantum Café in San Francisco. While there, he was stalked by Telle who had disguised himself as a human and was seeking Commander Jennifer Hurst. ("When It Rains...")
