Star Trek Expanded Universe

Lieutenant Michael Swanson was the tactical officer and security chief of the USS Valkyrie (NCC-2590) from 2294. He previously also served as the ship's navigator and was known to be well-liked by the crew for taking their security seriously. (Star Trek: Valkyrie)

Early life and career[]

Swanson was born in 2268 and wanted to join Starfleet from an early age. During his senior year at Starfleet Academy Swanson played on a parrises squares team which made it to the collegiate finals. (Star Trek: Valkyrie: "The Admiral", "The Sculpture")

On the Valkyrie[]

On Stardate 9711, the Valkyrie entered the Tolic Nebula in response to a distress signal and the ship became trapped by a dampening field. Swanson successfully piloted a shuttlecraft to tractor the ship out of harm's way. After crashing on the surface of a planet in the nebula he was able to deactivate the dampening field.

For his performance on the mission Swanson was awarded the Starfleet Medal of Commendation. (Star Trek: Valkyrie: "The Nebula")

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