Star Trek Expanded Universe

Captain Milana Ralo is a Starfleet captain, commanding officer of a starship. She is also the wife of Trill government official Aumil Killan and mother of Tawana Jonar.

Her name is pronounced "mih-LAH-nah RAH-low". Ralo is a Bolian surname.


Her father was a Bolian and her mother was a Betazoid. While she primarily inherited her mother's features (although she does have a bifurcated ridge running down the middle of her body like the Bolians), she did not inherit any telepathy.

Career and Tawana[]

While Tawana Killan was young, Milana Ralo and her husband Aumil Killan would share the child-rearing duties between them. This included, according to Tawana, living on various starbases and starships that her mother was stationed on. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Catalyst, Part One")
