Star Trek Expanded Universe

Mkrdij was a Nausicaan and member of the Smuggler's Coalition who was also a long time friend of Lattrel Ottel. (Star Trek: 001)


In 2752, Mkrdij was regularly visiting the Double~Helix on Starbase 001 to covertly relay Smuggler's Coalition intelligence to Lattrel Ottel, and vice-versa. He told Ottel about the sudden death of Ottel's uncle Lattrel Omma, and was later sent on a mission by Ottel and Drayson Hardgrove to ensure Coalition ships in outlying sector bases were refitted. Upon reaching Sector Meck, he and his ship were attacked by a Smuggler's ship pretending to be Cardassian. He covertly escaped, tricking his attackers into thinking they killed him, but in reality, hid his escape pod in the asteroid belt and used old Earth communication signals. He was later found by the Jalaly taken to Starbase 001. ("When It Rains...")
