Moab III was the third planet in the Moab system. (Star Trek: The Next Generation, The War of the Masters)
Federation Intelligence workup, Moab III/New Saigon (Hromi XIII) system, september 9, 2405 (Moab III as it was prior to secession) (War of the Masters)[]
Star type: Binary system
7 planets, 23 moons, 2 debris belts
Primary Inhabited world: Moab III, Class M* rocky world
Secondary inhabited zone: New Saigon Moon, Class M**
System population as of 2400 Census: 367,035,850 (+/- 5%)
Classification: Class 3 Colonized system (see addendum)
Colony Launched February 18, 2192
Colony Established (Estimated) October 11, 1856 (See Appendix II-interspacial anomalies and data recordings.)
Contact re-established: January 3, 2245 (See: Appendix I, USS [i]Challenger 7[/i] contact log)
Languages (spoken primary):[]
- Vietnamese (modified)
- Hebrew
- English
- thlIngan Hol
- H’mong (modified)
- Spanish
- Bajor’la
Governmental Type: Colonial Administration with an elected advisory board. (See Addendum 3)[]
Governor: Chad Oxenstierna (Earth Colonial Development Agency)
Industrial Level: 22nd Century (native developed), 24th Century elements removed by order of the Colonial Development Agency by Starfleet, March 2403 to September 2405
Status: Demilitarized per The Colonial Act of 2271 and deindustrialized per the emergency powers authorization bill, 2402. Forced evacuation order pending approval by the Federation Council’s oversight committee.
Status of Evacuation: Stalled by Security issues and local resistance by colonists. Starfleet has requested authorization to implement Mandatory evacuation procedures for Moab III citing ongoing threat of Klingon conquest and dangerous nature of Moab’s native biosphere (see Addendum 2, 4, and appendix VI.).[]
71% Earth-descended Human
15% Klingon
05% Bajoran immigrant
09% Other races
Planetology Notes: Moab III[]
Orbital period: 770 local Days
Rotation period: 30 hours (six hours of near-darkness per rotation period at the equator for most of the year)
Climate: Temperate/Warm
Biosphere notes: Biosphere is rife with heavy metal toxicity and the planet is subjected to constant low-level radioactive contamination. Native biosphere is inherently toxic, and laced with borderline levels of arsenic, lead, uranium, and other poisonous minerals. Highest native lifeform is roughly marsupialoid, indigenous plant life is at late coniferous stage of development,with some deciduous analogue growth.
Water/land: 71% water/29% land (by volume).
Population notes:[]
While Moab III and its secondary colonization of New Saigon boast a population meeting Category 1 criteria in sheer numbers the following issues have prevented reclassification:
- Infant Mortality rate: 15% of children born on Moab III die before the age of 5 (this rate is down from 30% at contact)
- Lifespan issues/death rate: less than 2% of native Moab humans reach the age of 70 earth years, this rate is materially increased from Contact-era lifespans that barely broke 35 to 40 earth years. 15% of adult population manifest a heritable genetic defect that results in an agonizing death by the age of 35 (estimated) earth years. Starfleet Medical has yet to develop a treatment for DNSS (Degenerative Nerve Sheath Annihilation Syndrome), a fatal neurological syndrome that progressively destroys the central nervous system. Adequate treatments, including pain management, have thus far eluded medical correction. Local customs enshrine euthanasia for late-stage sufferers. This behaviour is credited with slowing progress on analysis of the syndrome by Starfleet Medical personnel. DNSS is one of six syndromes that permanently bar enlistment in Starfleet or attendance at Starfleet Academy.
- Crime Rates: crime rates are disproportionately high on Moab III, with murder/euthanasia leading the listing. Lawless behaviours are common even among supposedly ‘law abiding’ members of the population. Crimes ranging from dataslicing to fraud are common occurrences, as is petty theft of Federation property, prostitution, and the movement and sale of contraband items including weapons.
- Civil disorder: Moab III is frequently gripped by local riots, often directed at Earth Government and Federation officials and possessions, but ethnic strife directed at latter-stage imported colonists is also commonly noted, particularly against Muslim and earthborn imported communities.
- Cultural backwardness-Moab III and New Saigon maintain culturally backward organized belief systems that are not congruent with Federation or Earth guidelines for a responsibly advanced society, including the presence of religious movements deemed to be dangerous and/or fanatical. Further, outside of areas under direct Federal control, the population steadfastly refuses to acknowledge or implement the Energy Credit system, instead insisting on a cash economy and the inherently unequal resource distributions of a capitalist system.
- Political violence directed at Federation and Earth Colonial Administration officers and facilities, including threats, refusal to follow directives issued by Federal officials, refusal to participate in Federation processes, and refusal to acknowledge Earth government and Federation authority as mandated under the Colonial Act of 2371.
- Low societal responsibility scores are common, as are radical political doctrines in opposition to Federation and United Earth doctrines and policies. Less than 3% of Moab, and less than 1% of New Saigon residents score higher than 35 on the societal responsibility scoring system. This is a lower average than was present on Turkana IV prior to that world’s civil war. (StarswordC/Patrickngo "For We Should Grow Too Fond of It"
Moab III after 2406 (prior to 2410)[]
Governmental Type:[]
Moab III's early independence era government was a provisional government until the first cycle of elections in 2408. While the Governor is directly elected, their cabinet positions are appointed from members of the Citizen's Assembly in a manner similar to, but not completely mirroring, parliamentary systems established in pre-unification Earth's governments.
One notable deviation from United Earth practices, is how the Franchise is allocated. Failure or refusal to pay taxes is an automatic disqualifier from voting, and the voting age is fluid. That is, there are, in this period, 'voters' who are still in middle school, but they have after-school jobs and pay taxes, while chronically unemployed adults are forbidden from voting unless or until they can find paying work, or engage in legal economic activity from which they can pay the fifteen percent of gross income necessary to qualify as a 'taxpayer'. This arrangement was emulated on the Confederacy world of Cold Butte, and for similar reasons. When the original colonists to Moab III landed, and realized that the planetary rotation was 30 hours, and orbit was over two earth-years, (and, at the time, that they were cut off from outside contact), the distribution of civil duties had to be worked out (and a military junta wasn't doing it). Voting, military service, and running for offices were considered and addressed on the basis of being unable (due to extreme conditions) to support or survive large dependent populations that also hold power.
"If you don't contribute to survival, you don't get a say in how resources are managed'. This, and the rest of the 'Charter' was adopted by the Provisional Government and offered up to the population, to establish some sense of continuity and rationality. Because Moab III and New saigon had been 'colonies' under the UFP's office of Colonial Development longer than any of the residents had been alive, and due to historical memory of some of the failings of their first independence shortly after arrival, the office of 'President' was retired, in its place, was the term 'Governor', in part to remind office holders in the future not to abuse their executive powers. (How well this worked is open to debate).
The First Elected Governor of Moab III was Elizabeth Tran, formerly elected representative of the 2nd District, Landing County region, and leader of the Provisional government that declared independence. Within the larger Moab Confederacy, Elizabeth Tran is also the first Governor appointed to the First Minister's post for the Confederacy by the Board of Governors.
During this transition period, the Moab Confederacy Defense Forces began working up their capabilities both through training with the Klingon Defense Force's 2nd Fleet (Border Regulars) and through independent operations targeting the very same pirate and slaver organizations that had been raiding worlds in the Hromi Cluster for, in some cases, generations.
this is also the period in which the MCDF carried out the Son Tay Prisoner rescue operation, culminating in delivering over 300 Federation and Starfleet personnel whom had been taken by the Undine without being noticed, in the process uncovering hundreds of Undine infiltrators throughout the Beta and into the Alpha quadrants.
Fek Day[]
The 'honeymoon period' ended with the invasion of the Moab system by the Fek'Ihri (or maybe better described as 'a' Fek'ihri force) this event, 'Fek-Day' resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of residents in the Moab Binary, including the environmental destruction of New Saigon. the subsequent ground war on Moab saw the utter destruction of Canh Tho Arcology (12 survivors out of 500,000 original residents present when the invasion began), and the use of orbital strikes and bombardments at Xiao Loc, Grantsville, and much of the planetary Capital of Nha Tranh. the six month conflict involved KDF, and even volunteers from Starfleet, fighting the invasive species in a war of mutual annihilation that left millions homeless, destroyed families, communities, and at times the sanity of those who fought as the true nature of the invaders became clear. KDF reinforcement and the lifting of many restrictions to enlistment were necessary steps in securing the ground on Moab III, but involved the use of methods and techniques that bordered on, and at times exceeded the legal limits of warfare as agreed to in the Seldonis IV conventions.
Sources: (With Starswordc) (With Takeshiyamato, Knightraider_6) (With Sander_233)
[more later]
Moab III after Fek-Day:[]
"Have you ever seen a Klingon break down so hard he can't stop crying?"-Major Peregrine Wahlberger, MCDF, 2411
Nobody who lived on, or came from, Moab III or New Saigon didn't lose someone close during the Fek'Ihri invasion of the Moab system, and this impacted the political scene inside the system, and the Moab Confederacy at large. The loss/Destruction/Failure to evacuate Canh Tho Arcology erased the planet's only major concentration of residents of islamic extraction and religious inclination, the few survivors from that vertical city were left without families. In other areas in and around Landing County, The losses were nearly as bad. Defense minister Saul Moskowitz assumed the Governor's post temporarily in the aftermath due to the deaths of so many of the system's only-recently-adopted independent government. Most of the system's popular assembly had been eaten.
Aid from other members of the Confederacy, and a shift of burdens, kept Moab III itself viable enough, especially with continued support from the Klingon High Command, but the demands on the Confederacy as a whole, and Moab III in particular, meant that foreign deployments and active antipiracy patrols increased in tempo as destroyed ships were replaced and personnel who fought the ground war and saw the horror were largely retained in service. This was often with unpleasant consequences after the government submitted to political pressure from their external allies.
Discharge Act[]
Large numbers of 'Legacies' from the independence movement and recent enlistments were found to be 'too young' by the standards of most civilized races. Political pressure on Moab in particular, resulted in the somewhat poorly worded and even more poorly carried out 'Discharge Act' of 2411, booting thousands of enlisted marines and army reserves from the service for being considered under-age. Due to the sheer administrative damage of the "Fekday war", thousands more were missed by the initial sweep of release from service, a situation made exponentially worse by the condition of that world after the fighting was done. Addendum 2 of the Discharge Act included provisions for former military members to be provided with off-world education as a means of 'pausing' their active service time should they wish to return after the age of majority, while harsh penalties for attempting to remain despite disqualification were enacted to provide the 'stick' to go with the 'carrot'.'
Sociologically, the Fek-day War (Fek'Ihri invasion of Moab III) had a brutal impact on the population of that system. Moab III's population shifted with the loss of literally millions of men, as the soldiers and marines of the MCDF prioritized evacuation and protection of females and children. Fathers, Brothers and Sons ran to the lines to cover evacuation efforts and defend the retreating civilians. Moab III went from a rough 60-40 female to male mix, fairly ordinary for most human worlds, to a mix closer to eighty percent females and children under the age of majority.
This impacted more than population balance, it also resulted in a predominance of females in traditionally male roles across the board after the killing and dying was done. The brutal horror of the Fek War also made it very easy for what was left of the government to overlook questionable practices after they'd been driven to a recruiting strategy closer to "...can fog a mirror and doesn't fall over when you hand them a rifle" (-Jesu LaRoca's report post-Goralis)
Beta 2-2 to Goralis Rift[] *(with Gulberat) (With Sander_233, Gulberat, Knightraider_6 and Takeshiyamato) (with Knightraider_6) (Gulberat)
The "Panjun" War:[] (with Markusdkane)
The 2412 Election Conflict:[] (with MarkusDKane)