Myrmidons (fanfiction story, "The War of the Masters" continuity)[]
Star Trek Online Forum, "Fan Creations" section
Major Characters:[]
Sheri Walford
Amanda Nung
Sanjit Kaur (Taylor-Smythe)
Marissa McKnight
Iris Michaels
Peter Wilson
Cameos (Star Trek Canon characters):[]
General Martok
Sarish Minna
Cameos: Fan-fiction characters from various authors[]
K'ragh (*Patrickngo)
Jesu LaRoca (Sander_233)
Admiral Cartwright (Various)
Admiral Thravesand Ch'Harrell (Nerys Ghemor)
Kalin Tala (Starswordc)
Debra MacAulliffe (Patrickngo)
Abraham Wahlberger
Rachel Wahlberger
Time period:[]
"Myrmidons" is a collaborative story written in the War of the Masters continuity in the post-Goralis Rift period. It roughly covers and parallels the STO mission set "Victory is Life", detailing the Masterverse version of the Gamma Quadrant expeditions, including using elements from the missions in the game-with a twist or two.
The majority of the story is told in rotating first-person perspectives with the majority of those perspectives being Kanril Eleya, Peregrine Wahlberger, Sheri Walford("Alenis Sheri" to her bajoran relatives) and Amanda Nung.
Themes from this story include coming of age, coping with trauma, Interstellar diplomacy, and other traditional Star Trek themes including questioning where life ends. It also includes light touching on political themes. There is also a theme of 'moving on' after the wars end (at least, for one character).
This story is of significant length.