Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
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Nick Sather
80229257 2513894798932248 5238825559462510592 n
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Born: 2242
Affiliation: Terran Starfleet
Stationed: ISS Quasar (NCC-M06)
Rank: Ensign

Nick Sather was an ensign in the Terran Starfleet on the ISS Quasar (NCC-M06). In 2267, disgruntled for not receiving a promotion, Sather joined the ship's first officer, an orion named Seluk in a coup' to take over the ship. After the assassination of captain Allen Clark Sather and Seluk used the ship for smuggling for Spock's rebels. (Star Trek: Eagle - Comic Adventures)
