Star Trek Expanded Universe

Non-judicial punishment, also referred to as NJP, was a means by which a superior in a military service could discipline one of his/her juniors without convening a court-martial. Punishments could include reprimand, demotion, incarceration, loss of pay or privileges, extra duty, or restrictions.

Aboard starships, non-judicial punishment is known as Captain's Mast or Admiral's Mast, depending on the rank of the presiding commanding officer, a tradition carried over from Earth navies.

Officers tended to receive lighter punishments than enlisted personnel.

In 2371 of an alternate timeline, Veronica Stadi and Aman Evek ordered NJP against Celes Tal and Hogue Marritza respectively for an incident where the Cardassian officer had asked the Bajoran enlisted crewmember to go hiking with him on Sikaris and she assaulted him. Both were verbally reprimanded and had shore leave, replicator, and holodeck privileges revoked. Celes was demoted to crewman apprentice, attached to the custodial team for six months, and confined to quarters when off-duty. (The Mysterious Case of Neelix's Lungs: "Factoring Primes")

Johnathan Bucyrus, facing a possible court martial for desertion, agreed to stipulate to Unauthorized Absence, for which he received a reprimand via Captain's Mast. (USS Baldwin: "Wild Roses")

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