Star Trek Expanded Universe

The O'karess system was a restricted star system in Klingon space. It possessed a main sequence star and four planets, the inner two of which were Class J gas giants, while the outer two were Class T gas giants whose orbits brought them close enough together approximately every 6000 years so as to cause massive gravitational disturbances.

The only known inhabitable body in the system was an L class moon of O'karess II, named Pa'thor.

In 2381, approximately two weeks after departing Starbase 24 on her way to Narendra Station, the USS Ross received a distress call from Pa'thor, and diverted to the O'karess system to investigate. (Clear Skies: "Before Hell")

System data[]


  • O'karess I (J class)
  • O'karess II (J class)
    • Pa'thor (L class)
  • O'karess III (T class)
  • O'karess IV (T class)

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