Star Trek Expanded Universe

"Only Ashes Remain" was the twenty-sixth "unofficial" episode of Star Trek: Phoenix-X and the first "unofficial" episode of the sixth season. It was the twenty-sixth Star Trek: Phoenix-X entry for the Star Trek Online: Unofficial Literary Challenge and was the only Star Trek: Phoenix-X entry for the thirty-eighth challenge of those unofficial challenges. It mashed up Captains Deloss, Sigon and Kronen.


Captains Deloss, Sigon and Kronen deal with their own problems, forcing them to pass along a distress signal to each other from Raatooras.


"I am neither your Holy Sage, nor your Holy Dissident. Perhaps I'm a third thing, though? A Holy Master or Prophet of some kind? Don't hold back your suggestions."
Captain Kronen
"We work to erase any notion of Raatooras, even if it means editing it out of Memory Alpha."
Captain Kronen


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