Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
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This organism is property of the United Federation of Planets Starfleet Project Siegfried Inception date 2 November 2371 phenotype Officer, Eurasian-Semitic AB female series 4 batch 22711102AA approval Leyton, James stock number AB71654A12152-241

Colonel Peregrine Wahlberger is the commander of the MCDS Saskatoon Hills in 2415. She is also the infamous Criminal Dataslicer Dahak.

Peregrine "Dahak" Wahlberger[]

Race: Human (Siegfried Series 4 Augmented AB)

Gender: Cis Female

Sex: Heterosexual

Born: February 19, 2391, University Medical Center, Aldrin, Alpha Centauri

Blood Type: O

Tissue Rejection Spectrum: Green on all tested types

Last completed year of formal education in the UFP: 10

Height: 1.60 Meters

Hair: Brown, slight natural curl

Ethnic derivation: mixed European Caucasian and Ashkenazi Semitic

Known family (legal): Professor Rachel Wahlberger (born 2362), Dr. Abraham Wahlberger (Born 2351)

Identified Aliases: "Dahak" an infamous criminal dataslicer (2403 to the present)

Affiliation: Moab Confederacy Defense Forces (Military officer)

Background information[]

Early Childhood[]

Peregrine Wahlberger was born into a UFP civil service family after her parents sought medical assistance in dealing with fertility issues. she is an only child, and seemed to be both bright, and happy until sometime in late March of 2405.

That was the day she ran away from home, after being detected intruding into a maximum-classification Federation database maintained by a compartmentalized branch of the Federation Security Agency operating out of the Bureau of Colonial Development and the Federation's interior ministry.

Police in her home city of Aldrin arrived roughly 45 minutes after the initial intrusion, and she was already gone.

Her parents would endure 24 months of intensive investigation, interviews, and then, interviews with grief counselors, psychiatric experts, and a succession of private investigators seeking their missing daughter.

Warrants and BOLOs were issued throughout Federation space due to both the girl's penetration of a sensitive Federation database, and her frightened, anxious, and politically well connected parents frantic efforts to locate her.

Peregrine was both unusually bright and very athletic, and no prior incidents suggested she could be anything but the victim of a manipulative criminal conspiracy...

Where she went; Moab.[]

In 2406, five Federation colonies in the Hromi Cluster declared independence and sought shelter as a Klingon protectorate. One of those worlds, was Moab III. This is where she went, and what she chose to do with herself, was to join their independence movement, and fight for them , as a soldier. This is the farthest cry for a child raised by respected Pacifist Academics.

She entered the Resistance with her data-slicing skills, and petite, durable body, as the WSO (Weapons System Operator) on a Klingon surplus To'Duj Mk V fighter-shuttle, in which she participated in the first Battle of the Moab independence, acting as the systems monitor and electronic warfare operator of a two-seat combat shuttle piloted by a dying boy named Ngoc Trung.

Success here, got her a waivered entry into the new nation's new military. In between drill, training, and participating in the classified raid on Starbase 24 that recovered Janice O'Neill Qua from prisoner holding, Peregrine studied. She studied hard. In the MCDF, promotion points accrue for academic study and they had contracts with a number of lesser 'diploma mill' universities as well as the Klingon War Academy at Ty'Gokor's distance-learning program.

She was a junior NCO and Radioman 3rd Class with the MCDF when she participated in the Son Tay prisoner rescue,

She served as Colonel Janice Qua's RTO during the storming of an un-named Orion Slave conditioning and processing station hidden inside Federation borders. This was DURING the Fek-Day attack, and it was unusual in that elements of Starfleet's Hromi task forces participated in the rescue of five thousand civilians from the region that had been taken by the Orions to be processed into slavery. She was a few points short of her Warrant Officer when Fek Day happened.

Fek Day was six months of some of the worst ground combat in the last 50 years in the beta Quadrant. Three months in, Peregrine was promoted to Lieutenant (O-2) to replace a dead Klingon Officer after the disastrous 2nd foray into occupied Xiao Loc.

She would make Company Commander of Company I, 1st Marines, after the suicide of her predecessor.

As CO of India Company, she would lead the attempt to recover survivors from Provo, on New Saigon. During this action she was forced to call down orbital bombardment on her unit's position, before retreating with the survivors. Her experiences in the New Saigon attempt gave her a number of Klingon and Confederacy awards for valor, and got her reassigned to the Cold Butte branch of the MCDF as a full O-3 Captain with promotion pending for Major.

She worked with the Cold Butte Squadrons to refine their infantry doctrine, before being transferred, this time at the rank of Major, to the MCDF's Arluna branch, where she oversaw the first and second classes of their powered armor program, and helped get their portion of the Fleet in order.

In 2412, she was detailed to bring a full field hospital with bodyguard company to Berun's World, to deal with the humanitarian crisis there caused by the detonation of an antimatter bomb in that world's capital city of Astrokhazy. This is where she encountered Captain Kanril Eleya whom had been seconded from 77th Fleet to investigate the bombing of both the city, and the joint KDF/Starfleet observers to the contested electoral recount.

What they found, was a multisided genocidal civil war going in full swing with all the atrocity trimmings.

Major Wahlberger worked with Captain Kanril and the survivors of the observer team, to bring this conflict to an end, and restore some semblance of civil government. The success of this mission, is what finally told her frantic mother and father where she had been for nearly a decade.

Peregrine's next assignment was to bolster and advise the MCDF forces holding Base Alpha after the death of General Cham Nguoc. She was still there when the Moab Civil war's end was negotiated, and remained at Base Alpha until the allied powers formed Task Force Myrmidon in 2414, after the H'urq attack on Bajor.

Dirty Secrets[]

Peregrine ran away from home at or near the age of 14, not because she realized she'd been seen by Federation Security, (well, not entirely) but because she uncovered what she was, right down to the follicles and the first kiss. The Bashir Precedent might have covered HER, presumably, but it would be the death of the careers, and destruction of the lives, of her parents, whom did not know, or consent, to having an Augmented Child-one whose DNA contains an identifiable watermark indicating which government had paid for the work.

She fled them to, in her own mind, protect them. She chose a location where she would be able to vanish, and then became one of their best officers. Even very bright people don't make the best decisions.

Pergrine Wahlberger is derived from the same Genecodes as Janice Qua, with only three minor sequences difference and twenty two years of age separating them. She is a Siegfried, an AB, from the fourth series covertly injected into the general population to determine if what happened with Khan was a matter of distorted nature, or distorted nurture.

and she KNOWS. She has known since she decided to run away from a loving home in a central world in the Federation, and, until another case resulted in the project becoming known, she has been very good at keeping her mouth shut about what she was.


"In the Presence of Heaven, would you choose Hell?" (STO fanfic)

"Spiked" (STO Fanfic, the rewrite of "Pear Shaped")

"Don't Say Goodbye, Farewell" (StarswordC)

"The Burning of Berun's World" (STO fanfic)

"Peregrine's Descent" (STO fanfic-unfinished)

"Children of The Federation" (STO fanfic-unfinished, cowritten by Brian_334, apocryphal.)

"Myrmidons" (STO Fanfic, Starswordc, Knightraider6, Patrickngo)

"A fanfiction nobody will read" (STO Forum, Klingon Civil War arc, unfinished)

Creator's notes on Peregrine[]

She's one of my 'anchor' characters, especially after Starswordc's joining our little club of fanfic writers, and her best appearances remain in stories involving his character Kanril Eleya. Peri's one of my favorites to write, because she We see her grow from a nervous kid wearing the grown up clothes, to a damaged woman doing her best. We also see how her experiences both grew her, and harmed her. By Myrmidons, she's a scarred veteran. I've been toying with how to kill her off in the best way, since the 'emotional peak' was in the part of "Myrmidons" that didn't get eaten or deleted by the forum.
