The Perseus Arm is one of many curved "arms" of the Milky Way Galaxy that contains many spatial objects including stars, planets, and nebulae. The nearest part of this arm is 6,400 light-years from the Sol system.
Between 2253 and 2260, the Federation starship USS Algol performed an extensive survey of the Perseus Arm. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era)
Alternate continuities[]
The expedition of the USS Skyview was thought to be the first to the Perseus Arm. All contact with the Skyview was lost in 2401.
Nine years later, Starfleet Command assigned the Visionary-class starship USS Witch of Endor and her sister ships, the USS Cassandra and USS Merlin, to traverse the expanse to the Perseus Arm as part of the Perseus Project.
Using conventional warp drive, the Skyview took five years to traverse the gulf between the Orion and Perseus Arms. The Visionaries would only need 3 1/2 weeks using slipstream drive.
External links[]
- Perseus Arm article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- Perseus Arm article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- Perseus Arm article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.