Star Trek Expanded Universe
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R'Nara Kellinnin is a female Orion assigned as the Ship's Counselor and a Contact Specialist on board the USS Courageous, NCC-41976. (Star Trek: Courageous)


Originally raised to be an Orion ‘slave girl’, and take over running her family’s pirating/slave trade business, R’Nara instead ran away from home and was taken in by a passing trade ship and it’s crew as their unofficial mascot. There, she nutured a love of space travel, and learning about other races, and developed her natural talent for languages as well as being a talented amateur psychologist. This eventually lead her to Starfleet Academy where she excelled in her studies and worked her way up through a variety of shipboard and station-based positions, not eager to be tied down for too long, finding it easier to maintain a professional detachment from her fellow crewmates.


  • Born: 2338
  • Age: 11th November
  • Birthplace: Farius Prime

Service History[]

  • USS Holloway, Excelsior-class, Ship’s Counselor (Lt.) (2372-2374)
  • USS Johannesburg, Nebula-class, Assistant Counselor (2371-2372
  • USS Challenger, Galaxy-class, Contact Specialist (Lt.) (2370-71)
  • Starfleet Academy, Postgraduate (Lt, jg) (2368-2370)
  • Federation Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology Fellow (Lt, jg) (2366-2368)
  • Starbase 27, Senior Psychologist (Ensign) (2364-66)
  • Starbase 11, Junior Psychologist (Ensign) (2361-64)
  • Starfleet Academy, Cadet (2357-2361)


External Links[]
