This article lists minor locations in RIS Bouteina.
- These places are mentioned or shown briefly in the series and therefore do not have their own articles.
29 Damascus[]
29 Damascus was the site of a starbase that produced drugs for the Klingon House of Korgath. ("Drug Wars")
43 Lindum[]
43 Lindum was a planet where an experiment of just eating fast food during 30 days was staged, with Turbo Pizza as their headquarters. ("Super Size Me", "Super Size Me Again")
83 Epsilon Crux[]
83 Epsilon Crux was the site of a planet with only one city in which there was a Monopoly tournament whose prize was the fate of a batch of Lyran prisoners.
Byzatium was a Federation world who was the homeworld of the Byzatium species. ("Distress Call")
Rallitir was a system in which the HMS Sovereign was hijacked and whose crew was mass-murdered. ("Spoiled Rotten")
Romii was a planet to which Annika Hansen evacuated hundreds of thousands of Romulans during the Evacuation of Romulus. ("Relief and Refuge")
Saronia was a planet on which Vaebn Mairex and Brianna Reiss made their honeymoon, as well as sought gagh breeding techniques. ("Marriage and Honeymoon")
Valgipus IV[]
Valgipus IV was a planet that successfully applied for Interstellar Concordium membership in 2385. ("Women's Dark Frontier")