Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Red, son of Tregh, was a Klingon Defense Force Flight controller aboard the USS Phoenix-X. He held the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and was part of a Federation-Klingon Officer Exchange Program from the IKS B'Chnah. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2364, Red served aboard the IKS Hegh'ta. ("Remnants")

Red served aboard the IKS B'Chnah sometime before 2373, where the ship had encountered an enemy that almost destroyed them. When the USS Phoenix came to aid, a relationship was established, and the Klingon Exchange of half each crew was put into place. In 2374, the half-Klingon-Starfleet crew, including Red, was transferred to the USS Phoenix-X. ("The Tiloniam System")

In 2375, Red was the target for murder by Dorwin and Kayjo in an attempt to cause a war between the Federation and Klingon Empire. ("Betrayal and Honour")

In 2377, Red learned he had a natural ability to see the plane of existence the Rockono Galaxy was in. When the Xoleras from that plane attempted to destroy the Phoenix-X for taking one of their devices, Red used the device to phase he and the ship into their plane to confront them. ("Ghosts of the Beyond")

In 2378, Red left the Phoenix-X to search for revenge against Kayjo and Dorwin and find a cure for his sub-existence seeing ability. ("Destiny's Revenge, Part III") But sometime before 2382, Red found Kayjo was killed in a bar fight. ("Spider Agencies, Part I")

In 2382, Red's family was framed for dishonor by General Verticon, who made it look like Red's cousin Helenia killed Dorwin. With the help of the Phoenix-X, they found that it was just an attempt to gain favor in the Klingon Council for the Duras family. Red cleared his name when he was able to prove that Verticon was responsible. After this, Red rejoined the Phoenix-X in his old Helm position. ("Spider Agencies, Part II")

In 2384, Red's ability to see on another level of existence, or 'interphase', was accidentally cured by Lox when the Doctor was attempting one of his inhumane experiments. ("Fantastic Method")

In 2399, he accidentally drugged Kugo, Armond, Night Seifer and himself with polywater the night before Seifer's offical 'going steady' ceremony, which caused them all to forget what happened. ("The Hangover")

In 2410, Red was serving aboard the IKS Dragunov at the rank of Commander and position of First officer. To Captain Kronen's chagrin, Red would regularly take over the helm station at his own personal interest. ("In Their Footsteps") When Captain Kronen went seemingly inert from a visit with the Prophets, Red took the opportunity to break ship rules and talk politics with the Bridge crew. ("Beware False Prophets")

Memorable quotes[]

"Some would say, this creature has the anger of a Klingon! Not me, though. I am turning a new leaf and avoiding such one-dimensional observations."
Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "These Aren't the Voyages..."


See also[]

Background information[]


Uss phoenix-x crew2386
