Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Rejes Joslin was a Bajoran Lieutenant Commander serving in Starfleet in the early 25th Century. She served as senior security officer aboard the USS Nautilus in 2407. (Star Trek Online: Valkyries)


In 2407, Rejes served as ranking security officer underneath Commander Antori Drel aboard the USS Nautilus. When Antori, Lieutenants Carlin Agran and Sam Hayashi, and Doctor Mor went missing after their shuttle crashed on a Class M planet in the Dragon's Head Nebula, Rejes commanded the Nautilus' second shuttle on a rescue mission. She was joined by Ensign Alex McKensey, Doctor James Howard, and Crewman Maiava. They managed to locate a signal sent out by Carlin, but moments later the rescue shuttle was forced down by polaric ion discharges.

Rejes and the crew of the rescue shuttle performed an emergency beam-out before the shuttle crashed, but due to polaric interference they wound up scattered across the island. Rejes managed to find Doctor Howard and together entered the Solarii shantytown while the cult's communications were disrupted in an effort to rescue Alex, who'd transported into the city, and Sam, who'd been captured. Unfortunately by the time Rejes met up with Alex the Solarii were able to get their communications back online and coordinated a massive ambush of the Starfleet crash survivors, capturing Rejes, Doctor Howard, and Alex.

They were taken to the makeshift cell where Sam was being held, and as they were brought into the cell, the Solarii brought Sam out, ostensibly to burn her alive in the Fire Ritual. Rejes, sensing this might be her last chance to save her fellow officer, started a fight in an attempt to allow her fellow officers to escape. Despite being outnumbered two-to-one and being the only Starfleet officer to contribute significantly to the fight, Rejes put up a valiant effort, killing four Solarii, half of the ones present, before she was killed herself by Durtlhor. ("Survivors of Yamatai")
