Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Renaissance-class starships were on active duty in Starfleet during the 24th century. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor", "Brothers")

The first ship of this class was commissioned in 2303 and was designed using some of the specifications and technology from the Excelsior-class. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era)

USS Hokkaido was the last of this class to be built in 2337. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)

By 2383 ships of this class had been refit or replaced by Renaissance-II-class starships. (Star Trek: Hidden Frontier)

Hobbyist's Guide to the UFP Starfleet and Its History[]

In this continuity, the Centaur class and the Renaissance class are one and the same, and designated as a frigate. An uprated version of the mid-24th century is known as the Baracus class and was redesignated as a scout. (Hobbyist's Guide to the UFP Starfleet and Its History, Volume 1b)

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