Star Trek Expanded Universe

Rhinessa IV was the sixth planet in the Rhinessa system and a Class K planet under Myhr'an control in 2372. The Myhr'an had an internment camp on the planet's uninhabitable surface.

Astronomical data[]



  • Rhinessa IV

Further information[]


In 2372, the USS Cantabrian followed Yh'ahni and the trader Wenloth to the Rhinessa system to free Starfleet officers and Federation civilians being held by the Myhr'an at the internment camp on the planet's surface. The Cantabrian was successful in rescuing the majority, and, with the USS Aotearoa, destroyed one Myhr'an battle cruiser and the internment camp as well as severely damaging two other Myhr'an battle cruisers, before they fled the system. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Two Hit, One Stone")


Under Myhr'an control as of 2372.
