Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
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Fleet Captain Richard (Rick) Watts was Commanding Officer of USS Epic. (Star Trek: Epic)

Early Years[]

Richard Lewis Watts was born on Earth in 2766. He was born by Talia and Martin Watts. He grew up the third oldest of seven kids in San Fransisco. His family moved to Deep Space 384 in 2777. DS384 was used to train cadets. His mom and dad where cadet trainers positioned on it.

Starfleet Academy[]

In Starfleet Academy, Rick was trained to be a Diplomat and some Tactical skills on Deep Space 384. Richard graduated four years later as a Starfleet officer.

The Exeter-J[]

On the Exeter, he was the Diplomatic Advisor with the rank of Ensign. He worked with his future wife Anne Riker on a mission to get the Rasan species to join the Federation, which ended up being a big success. His mom died soon after which devastated Rick. His father, Admiral Martin, came down to help Rick with the grieving process.

USS Waterloo[]

Rick asked for a transfer to USS Waterloo, due to his bad reputation on the Exeter. Starfleet Command granted the request and promoted Rick to Lieutenant and Chief Diplomat. He helped increase the Federation's membership. Three successful years later, Rick was promoted to Commander and Executive Officer of the Waterloo.

Reassignment to the Epic[]

After one year, he was reassigned to USS Epic. On the Epic he helped more diplomatic projects including an alliance with the Romulan Empire. A year after becoming Commanding Officer, due to the death of the captain, he was promoted to Captain. Three years and two months later, he was promoted to Fleet Captain.


Later he served as CO of USS Epic-A. (STE: Tomorrow's Epic) Rear Admiral Watts retired at the age of 49 and became a Holonovelist.

Personal Life[]


Erika Wolff[]

Erika was a friend to Rick when off-duty. Their friendship got stronger as the years passed by.

Lester Wolff[]

Lester and Rick were extremely close. They had many "partys" in Rick's duty room.

Elisha Tolu[]

Other than the fact that Elisha and Rick were twins, they were pretty close. They talked a lot in Rick's duty room, and they both enjoy Rick's homemade candy, Rick's Fruity Delight.


Anne Riker[]

Anne was Rick's one and only love. Weeks before he asked Anne to marry him, Anne contracted a rare Betazoid disease. Following her quick recovery, Rick asked her to marry him.

Service Jackets[]


CDT4 (2800s)
Gray (2800s)

Cadet 1st-4th year

ENS (2800s)
Gray (2800s)


LT (2800s)
Gray (2800s)


CDR (2800s)
Gray (2800s)


During Epic[]

CAPT (2800s)
Blue (2800s)


FCAPT (2800s)
Blue (2800s)

Fleet Captain

After Epic[]

RDML (2800s)
Blue (2800s)

Rear Admiral 1

RADM (2800s)
Blue (2800s)

Rear Admiral 2

See Also[]
