Star Trek Expanded Universe

"Risk Factors" is the third episode of the audio series Henglaar, M.D.. It was released in 2010.


Tensions run high aboard the Cole when Dr. Noah's former CO, a joined Trill, is brought aboard as the team's newest patient. Matters become even more complicated when Dr. Vonus opts to engage in more than just her usual self-experimentation.

Memorable quotes[]

"An elevated white count could also be explained by a sexually transmitted disease. Starfleet doctors frequently ignore them as possible diagnoses."
"Don’t Kirk, don’t tell."
-- Vonus and Henglaar discussing Reigar Teer's illness
(On comm)"That is strong evidence of an underlying condition in the host."
"Disembodied voices don’t get to jump to conclusions, Dr. Vonus."
-- Vonus and Henglaar, trying to figure out whether Teer or the Teer symbiont carries the illness
"I can hear your eyebrow arching, Dr. Vonus. "
-- Henglaar


  • Story by Eric Weaver
  • Directed by Kestra Oliver


  • John Whiting as Dr. Henglaar
  • Heather Ashleigh as Silan
  • Jeannie Lin as Dr. Vonus
  • Timothy Fritts as Dr. Lucas Noah
  • Mark Samarias as Dr. Profto

Special Guest Star[]

Also Starring[]

The series is based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, created by Rob Caves. It is inspired by House, M.D., created by David Shore.

The series was created by Eric Weaver.


  • Mary Koyumdjian, Theme and Original Score
  • Mark Painter, Story Editor
  • David W. Hill, Editor and Audio Engineer
  • Farrell Pierson, M.D., Medical Advisor
  • Jonathan Connor, Technical Advisor
  • Kestra Oliver, Casting Director and Associate Producer
  • Rob Caves, Executive Producer
  • David W. Hill, Executive Producer

Background information[]


23rd Tactical Support Wing; ambizine; aphasia; Archimedes; aural sensitivity; Bajoran; Barnacoid influenza; biobed; biosealant; Changeling; Code Blue; colony; conaxin; cortical monitor; corticosteroid; Daniels, Casey; Delullah II; demylelination; dermal regenerator; Durable; Duvian Corporation; encaphalitis; EPS grid; Ferenginar; Flynn; Galpin, Joyce; Henglaar; hepatitis; Hoberstadt; human; immunosuppressant; Irumodic Syndrome; isoboromine; Karsten, Stu; Kato, Ken; Ketracell-white; Kirk, James T.; Klingon; laser scalpel; lassara; latinum; menethium; mercaptopurine; mesocerebrum; microsutures; multiple sclerosis; myelin regenerator; myelin sheath; Nausicaan; neural shock; neurographic scan; neurolyte probe; Noah, Lucas; nomadododoisis; nuclear imaging scanner; Officer Exchange Program; peradoxin; photophobia; Profto; Raelon VI; Redami; reproductive system; Romulan; Romulan ale; Romulan Neutral Zone; Romulan Star Empire; ronotonleitis; Rule 33; Russell, Dana; sexually transmitted disease; Shelby, Elizabeth; Silan; Solara; Starfleet; Starfleet Medical Academy; Symbiosis Commission; T'Pau, USS; targ; Targ Frenzy; Teer, Reigar; Teer symbiont; theragen; tranahalfil; tricorder; Trill; Trill symbiont; tumor; Unroth system; vasculitis; Vonus; Vulcan; Vulcan mind meld; Xoret

External links[]
