Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Roberta Voight Vasquez (known to her friends as "Robbie") was a Federation Starfleet science officer on active duty in the late 23rd century.

In Star Trek Generations, neither her given name nor surname was revealed. Voight was her surname from the customizable card game, while Roberta Vasquez was her name in Orion Press continuity.

Vasquez was the Enterprise-B's chief science officer on its maiden voyage in 2293 under Captain John Harriman. (Star Trek Generations)

Orion Press[]

Roberta Vasquez's father and James T. Kirk's father had served together at some point. (Orion Press: "Robbie")

In "Robbie," told in the first person, Vasquez mentions that Peter Kirk was "a handful of years" senior to her. Since Kirk was born in 2260, that makes her birth-year 2265.

After James T. Kirk's apparent death, and Harriman's suicide, many of the Enterprise-B's command crew were transferred to other assignments. However, after Lieutenant Rathan, the replacement science officer, was found to be a Romulan infiltrator during a mission, Vasquez was conveyed by the Chosin to the Alpha Tucanae system as part of a team of replacements. (Orion Press: Chekov's Enterprise, "Robbie")

Vasquez's best friend aboard the Enterprise-B was the assistant chief science officer, Lieutenant Natalie "Bucky" Buchanan. ("Robbie", "Odd Man Out", "Backslide")

Officers of the starships Enterprise
NCC-1701-B (Orion Press): Harriman | Chekov
P. Kirk
Uhura | Vasquez | Saavik Chapel Rathan | Vasquez
P. Kirk
Sorensen | Sar 7 Saavik | Brooks | Vasquez Ch'terr D. Sulu | Grenoka | Cox Escri | Granger
NX-01 | NX-01 (mirror) | NCC-1701 | NCC-1701 (alt) | NCC-1701 (mirror) | NCC-1701-A | NCC-1701-B | NCC-1701-C | NCC-1701-D | NCC-1701-E | NCC-1701-F | NCC-1701-G