Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Roche was a Type-9 (Class-2) shuttlecraft in service of the USS Phoenix-X in the late 24th century. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2374, starship hijacker Ragon used the Roche to hide from Captain Daniel by clamping to the outer hull of the Phoenix-X. He rescued a captured Meloneus, both taking the Roche to the Moghren III where he would trade Meloneus to Gul Dukat and then transport himself to the IKS Roku. ("Cookies")

The Roche was then recovered by the Phoenix-X. ("Homespun")

In 2377, the Roche was part of the shuttle complement when the Phoenix-X traveled back in time to 2375. In the 2375 time-loop, the Roche was stolen by renegade Trill, James Gotens and Lex Gotens, for their escape. ("Secret Shuttles, Part II")

