Star Trek Expanded Universe
You may also be looking for Rune Sith (Bounty hunter).

Rune Sith was a Starfleet security officer aboard Starbase 001 in 2752, later promoted to Security chief. He was unofficially partnered with an android spider named Zeta, and love-obsessed with a Bajoran Prophet named Julia. (Star Trek: 001, Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


Sith was born on Earth, and studied martial arts with his father, a retired Starfleet security officer. After losing a kung fu competition at the age of 18, Sith decided to join Starfleet.

Sith attended Starfleet Academy in the late 2740s. While there, he continued his study of martial arts with Captain Shikel and met his good friend Avel who he considered much better at combat. As part of his training, Sith ceremoniously received a Calamarine from Shikel. Upon graduation, both Sith and Avel served aboard the USS Vitality.

U.S.S. Vitality[]

Serving aboard the Vitality, he and the ship were forced to withdraw from several sectors due to increasing borders of the Alliance.

In 2749, Sith and his fighter were downed on the planet Valakis when it was being invaded by the Alliance. While there, he attempted to convinced a family to disable their transporter inhibiters so they could be beamed to safety. While transporting in a vehicle instead, he discovered his crewmate Avel's downed fighter in flames and Avel himself fighting off a group of Gorn. There, Sith witnessed Avel's murder by those Gorn, an event that would begin his psychological trauma against the Alliance. ("When It Rains...")

On the revived Omicron Theta, Sith was part of an away team searching through colony rubble after the planet was attacked by the Alliance. While there, Sith was ambushed by Breen soldiers, nearly outnumbered, until his life was saved by a small android spider named Zeta. After the fight, Zeta and Sith became friends, where Zeta joined Sith in his adventures.

After serving aboard the USS Vitality for quite some time, the Vitality had been called in to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for major refits. The crew was then relieved for a few months. During this time, in 2752, Sith transferred to Starbase 001 as Deputy of Security. ("When It Rains...")

Starbase 001[]

At Starbase 001, Sith was immediately, temporarily assigned to the USS Pollux with most of the other senior staff to recover the missing USS Domtar in Old Neutral Zone. There, he boarded the Domtar as part of an away team to fight off occupying Romulans. Back at Starbase 001, he was assigned to review and interview nearly 2500 civilians living on the station for signs of Alliance spies. While on this task, he ran into his old Starfleet Academy fighting teacher Master Shikel and colleague Neilson from the Vitality. ("New Beginnings")

K'Rak and Sith were set to investigate strange file access and deletions happening throughout the station. They tracked and found it was Gao Gent-al, but he escaped. ("The Last Place You Look", "Alone")

Later, Sith was part of the group of starbase officers to undergo temporal training in the holoarena for a simulation of World War III in New York City. Due to PTSD from remembering his role in the Alliance invasion of Valakis several years ago, Sith became separated from the group during an attack by the Eastern Coalition on the city, and with holoarena safeties off, was forced to run for his life. Upon release, he saved Zeta from being captured by Matrix and Forbes. When Matrix attempted to probe Sith's mind, remotely, he unintentionally forced both of them to re-live Sith's witnessing of Avel's murder by Gorn at Valakis from those several years prior.

At the same time, the Vitality was one of the ships destroyed at Utopia Planitia when a bomb went off, affecting Sith emotionally. ("When It Rains...")

Sometime later, Sith and some of the crew were knocked into the Nexus when the Nexus ribbon passed through the station. Sith was sent there with an Orb of the Prophets, causing him to lose his memory. ("The Road Not Taken")

In 2753, Sith and Zeta captured a body duplicate of Harley Menrow, who was attempting to steal a Bajoran orb from Starbase 001. Wayfar admitted to causing Menrow and his crew's consciousness to appear in the wrong century and returned them to the 25th century. ("Second Life")

During the Federation-Alliance War in which Sith fought, he received an arm and leg replacement. His ship crashed on Omnicron Theta, where new locals took him and repaired his injuries. Sith returned safely, near the end of the war, with a robotic arm and leg, making him faster and more agile. His friend, Zeta, was also altered.

After the war, in 2760, while aboard Starbase 001, Sith was abducted and led to a final showdown with his immortal enemy, the Wraith. There, he reunited with his past love, Julia, and returned with her to the realm of the Prophets. (Scorpion's Descent)


Sith met and befriended Avel at Starfleet Academy, and always admired Avel's advanced fighting technique. ("When It Rains...")

When Zeta joined Sith as part of their everyday, Sith considered Zeta more than a pet, but rather a best friend. ("New Beginnings")

Sometime in Sith's history, he had a good friend who suffered and died from Kamaraazite flu. Later, on Starbase 001, Ensign Othoniel Ephraim Rasin would reassure Sith that his friend would always be with him. ("The Last Place You Look")


Sith was trained in several forms of martial arts, including Tai chi and 25th century Shaolin. He was able to operate both Federation and Klingon computer systems.



Background information[]


