Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek The Adventures of Argus Title Logo

Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus

This page lists starships and units from Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus. Each of the following entries is specific to Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus continuity and may be separated into individual articles as more information becomes available.


USS Atlantic[]

The USS Atlantic was a Federation Starship in service during the late 24th century. The Atlantic was one of the ninety-eight starships lost as part of the Seventh Fleet during the Battle of Tyra, when it was badly damaged. Several crew members were rescued from the remains of the ship a day later by the USS Argus and USS Valkyrie. ("Trial By Fire")

USS Munich[]

The USS Munich was a Federation Starship in service during the late 24th century. The Munich was one of the ninety-eight ships lost as part of the Seventh Fleet at the Battle of Tyra. At least one escape pod cleared the ship before its destruction, making planet fall on Tyra III, but a hull breach on re-entry allowed super heated gas inside, killing the occupants. ("Trial By Fire")

USS Talis[]

The USS Talis was a Federation Starship in service during the late 24th century. In 2374 the Talis was en-route to Earth when it was ambushed by the Dominion and destroyed, killing Captain sh’Shaen before he could take command of the USS Argus. ("Trial By Fire")

Klingon Defence Force[]

IKV Kimtar[]

The IKV Kimtar was a Klingon K'Vort-class Bird-of-Prey in service during the late 24th century. The Kimtar was part of the Seventh Fleet at the Battle of Tyra, where it was badly damaged. When the USS Argus launched a rescue mission on it arrival a day later, the Klingon crew managed to repair their vessel enough to aid in repelling a small Dominion Taskforce, but not before the ship was destroyed doing so. ("Trial By Fire")

See also[]

  • ST:TAA: Locations
  • ST:TAA: People
  • ST:TAA: Technology
  • ST:TAA: Miscellaneous