Salva II was a planet in the Salva system on the Federation-Cardassian border. It was home to a Federation colony until the system was seceded to the Cardassian Union following the Federation-Cardassian Treaty in 2370. The colonists were evicted by the Cardassians, and most relocated to Marva IV, another world in the Demilitarized Zone. Afterwards, the planet was largely left unnoticed by the Cardassians and occasionally used as a base by the Maquis. (DS9: "For the Uniform", TNG novel: A Weary Life)
Joshua Petrelli was brought to Salva II in 2378, where he was reunited with his mother aboard the USS Baldwin. (USS Baldwin: "Mother and Child")
External links[]
- Salva II article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- Salva II article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.