Star Trek Expanded Universe

Samantha Halliwell was a Starfleet Commander assigned to Starbase 001 and the USS Pollux in 2752. (Star Trek: 001)


Samantha was born in 2721, and raised in England by her father Phillip Halliwell following the sudden death of her mother, Carol Halliwell during childbirth. Raised by both her father and older brother, Stephen, she became a right old tomboy and had no friends who were girls.

When her brother was 16, and she 8, he joined Starfleet and studied munitions and this fascinated Samantha with all the stories her brother told her and they grew close until he left when he was 21, assigned to the USS Argus. This upset Samantha, so she decided that when she was old enough, she too would join Starfleet and she made this a promise and kept it. She studied engineering, another reminder of her childhood, taking engines apart just to see what was in them, and science. After graduating, she was offered a place aboard the Argus where her brother was tactical officer but, by this time, Samantha had decided what she wanted to be, a doctor.

She attended medical school and within three years became a fully-qualified doctor, in hope that she could do something with her life. It was partly influenced with the death of her mother, something she hoped to prevent happening to other children. Regretting her mistake, she chose not to practice unless there were any assignments for her. There was a separate type of assignment, aboard the USS Heron, as part of the engineering crew.

A few months into her assignment, the Captain at the time had an heart attack while on an away mission and Halliwell's quick thinking and hard-earned skills paid off when she effectively saved his life. For this, he decided to make her Deputy Chief Medical Officer. A few years later, the Chief Medical Officer retired leaving the position open for Halliwell to which she accepted.

In the year 2749, Halliwell was at the beginning of her three year marriage to Drayson Hardgrove. Because of her marriage, she had a fight with her friend Robert who didn't like Drayson. The argument unintentionally left the impression she hated Robert.

At the age of 30, Halliwell had become a qualified engineer, had honours in Science and had become a qualified doctor and earned the position of Chief Medical Officer. Feeling that there was nothing left for her to achieve, she left the Heron but not Starfleet.

In 2751, Samantha and Drayson ended their marriage. A few months later, she was afforded the opportunity to be assigned to Starbase 001, as the First Officer. During the beginnings of this assignment, she kept her past marriage a secret. ("The Last Place You Look")

On her first mission, she was attached to the USS Pollux to find and aid the USS Domtar in Old Neutral Zone. There, she used her medical expertise to save Crewman Michael Dwyer's life and she led an away team to the Domtar to extricate it from a Romulan occupation. In the process, she lost a good friend, Robert, in a firefight, nearly committing a self destruct as a result. When she returned to Starbase 001, Samantha was given several days off by Counselor Othoniel Ephraim Rasin for her actions on the Domtar, which drove her to boredom. ("New Beginnings", "The Last Place You Look")


  • As of 2752, Stephen Halliwell is the Captain of the USS Argus.
  • Samantha hates her name shortened to "Sammy" but accepts "Sam," which she was called by her family and fellow colleagues.
  • She has always blamed herself for the death of her mother.