Star Trek Expanded Universe

Sarah Perry was a Federation astrophysicist active during the 23rd and 24th centuries.

Dr. Perry held often controversial views about, in particular, the galactic core. In 2307, she enlisted Captain Timothy Harper and the officers and crew of the USS Deimos in an attempt to destroy a magnetar that was on a collision course with Sagitarrius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. She believed that the collision would result in the destruction of life on habitable planets, thousands of years ahead of schedule. (Starship Deimos: "Sleeping Dragon")

Dr. Perry raised her grandson, Will Perry, after his parents were killed in an accident. He later became a Starfleet officer. Ensign Perry was assigned to the Deimos as a science officer.

Dr. Perry's civilian scout ship was named the Cadmus.

Sarah Perry was portrayed by Donna Chaney.