Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Sayjan was a radical, time-traveling Na'kuhl, posing as human and suffering from time-madness, from the 29th century, who opposed the Temporal Accords and believed so much that time travel should be for everyone, that he attempted to prevent the Federation from forming. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)



In the 29th century, Sayjan posed as a human and Starfleet Captain, as part of the Starfleet Left Fleet, and took part in a Starfleet battle against a fleet of Na'kuhl on the border of Na'kuhl territory. After they were warded off, he met with several other Captains aboard the USS Jenova to discuss, and play devil's advocate, the seemingly reignited Na'kuhl agressions. ("Temporal Doom! Part I")

When the USS Phoenix-X time traveled from the 24th century to the 29th century, using Berlinghoff Rasmussen's Temporal displacement drive, on a Section 31 mission to retrieve a time-traveling Rave, Sayjan was part of the Starfleet communication that recruited Captain Cell and the Phoenix-X in their fight against the Na'kuhl.

Later, while visiting the Jenova, Sayjan and Captain Goustas failed to pressure Rave out of giving up the USS Atlantis-R, causing Rave to reveal his revival of the 29th century Section 31 through a warp-dropping fleet of Section 31 starships. Next, Sayjan and Starfleet followed the Rave of the Atlantis-R and his Section 31 fleet to another confrontation with the Na'kuhl and their lead ship the Nekul. There, Sayjan was revealed as a Na'kuhl by the Nekul's Captain Ghrath as a one-up against Starfleet for Amp and the Phoenix-X having disabled the time travel function across the Na'kuhl fleet. Sayjan then beamed over to the Atlantis-R, took over the ship from Rave and remotely tricked the Section 31 fleet to attack the Starfleet Left Fleet. Upon the arrival of the Phoenix-X allied Vorgon fleet, Sayjan time-jumped the Atlantis-R in escape. ("Temporal Doom! Part II")

Temporal incursions[]

Coming from the 29th century, during Sayjan's chase from the Phoenix-X, upon the Atlantis-R, Sayjan was forced to multi-task manually ship-piloting, temporal-jumping and hand-to-hand combat with Agent Rave on the Bridge.

Sayjan time traveled to several eras: The first was the 2260s, just beyond sensor range of the USS Enterprise and in front of a Lethean starship. Second, to sometime on or before 2409, where their combat with the Phoenix-X was witnessed by the USS Excelsior. Third, to 1937, where Sayjan was succesfull in temporarily knocking out Rave. Fourth, to 2554, where Sayjan and the crew of the Phoenix-X were temporarily, physically immobilized by the Lethean starship Mikonikoff. Fifth, to the 31st century, where Sayjan and the Atlantis-R became caught in the Phoenix-X's tractor beam, disrupting the final exit time-jump.

In an unknown time, where the Guardian of Forever was, and on the Atlantis-R, Rave re-awoke and used the ship to knock out Sayjan. When Sayjan came to, he found Rave and Cell in an over-powered combat that he worried would destroy them all. Rave then surged the ship so hard that it also surged with temporal energy causing it to slowly begin to tear itself apart, Rave to disappear out of temporal sync and prompting Sayjan to neural link himself to the ship. Sayjan's link to the temporally surged ship caused him time-madness before he time-traveled the Atlantis-R away, with the Vorgon timeship Yolanda in chase. ("Temporal Doom! Parts II & "III", "Celestial Dynamics")

In 2400, Sayjan and the Atlantis-R time-traveled to the Tilonian system to use a carefully prepared concoction of chronometrically energized chronitons, boosted by a choronometic surge upon the Sacred Disorder anomaly in an effort to feed it for a future where he planned to later use it to give himself Omni powers.

In 2374, Sayjan reappeared in the Tilonian system with a weaker Atlantis-R, firing his cocktail into empty space in order to create the Sacred Disorder. But the Phoenix-X beamed him off the ship, causing him to lose his time-madness-driven urge for Omni power, before the Atlantis-R time-jumped, one last time, to the future 2404. Now, simplified in his ambitions and with a body infused with enough temporal energy for one last time-jump, he jumped again, planning to stop the Federation from forming. ("Celestial Dynamics")

In the early 21st century, Sayjan time-jumped himself onto the Xindi-Avian's only starship where he countered a Xindi-Reptillian take-over and remotely-sabatoged explosives strategically planted on Xindus by the Xindi-Reptillians. His own efforts were to save the Xindi-Avians from extinction, which would have lead to a uniting of the Xindi who could then succeed in preventing the Federation from forming. Unfortunately, the Menchez and the IKS B'Cnah put a stop his plans and continued the Xindi-Avian's extinction event. Sayjan was transported to the B'Cnah's brig and time-jumped back to the future with them.

In 2410, Sayjan was a prisoner in the B'Cnah's brig. ("The Xindi Paradox", "The Delta We Left Behind")
