Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Scorpion was a Galor-class starship the late 24th century, until a major refit, in 2377. It was commanded by Tellus who plotted to go back in time and save his uncle, Meloneus, from death. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2377, the Scorpion was temporarily commanded by Karette, whom maintained a standoff with the USS Phoenix-X while Tellus was time-traveling. The Cardassian government claimed to have nothing to do with the Scorpion's actions at the time. Eventually, when Meloneus returned, Meloneus took over command of the ship. The Cardassian government then exiled Tellus and Meloneus for these actions. ("Secret Shuttles, Part II")

The ship was later refit with advanced technologies, after joining the Fragma Alliance. Unfortunately, after Meloneus pit the ship against the Phoenix-X in battle, the Fragma Alliance decided Meloneus was an insult to their Alliance and chased Meloneus and the Scorpion away. ("BaKardi Slang")

The Scorpion was soon destroyed by the Fragma Alliance in the Vlugta asteroid field, with Meloneus and his crew getting away on escape pods. ("The Nemesis Factor")

See also[]
