Sentok Nor was a Cardassian space station built in orbit around Betazed following the Dominion invasion of Betazed in 2374. During the station's first months of operation, various sections were off-limits to all but engineering personnel. A former Obsidian Order agent named Thalek used that to his advantage to schedule meetings with Section 31 agent Cole. In early-2375, Thalek provided Cole with Dominion and Cardassian fleet deployments in the sector. (Star Trek: Lambda Paz: "Midnight Ride")
Sentok Nor also served as a base of operations for Doctor Crell Moset's experimental efforts to give Betazoid telepathic skills to the Jem'Hadar. Sentok Nor was destroyed in 2375 by a Starfleet team that included Chief Miles O'Brien, Commander Will Riker, and Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. (TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed)
External links[]
- Sentok Nor article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.