Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

"Shadow Justice" was a fan fiction story from the USS Baldwin.


Aboard Deep Space 9, an assassination attempt is made on Julian Bashir, and a secret organization tries to implicate an innocent starship captain.

Log entries[]

  • Captain's personal log, Stardate 52932.9: We are currently docked at Deep Space Nine along with the Wildfire. It gives me time to talk to my sister and see what's going on.

Memorable quotes[]

"How is he, doc?"
"I'm doing all right. I have to believe that Section 31 would like nothing better than to have a price on my head."
"Apparently, it is 50 bars of latinum."
Patrick Ingrum and Julian Bashir
"Captain Traficant, I presume. I've heard that you can be a bit extravagant when speech making."
"Apparently, my reputation precedes me."
Harmon Rabb and James Traficant


  • This story features a psudo-crossover of Harmon Rabb from the TV series JAG. JAG, like Star Trek, is a CBS/Paramount property.
  • Patrick's bout with Section 31 continues with Infinity (Baldwin)
  • The trial of the real-life James Traficant is referenced. Unlike in real life, a lawyer helps clear his name.
  • This is the last episode of "season 2"


Allison, Sarah; Bashir, Julian; Deep Space 9; USS Hood; Ingrum, Patrick; Interphase cloaking device; Rabb, Harmon; Section 31; Traficant, James;

External links[]
