Star Trek Expanded Universe

ShiVang was a Klingon Defence Force general in the 24th century. The future General Martok served as a civilian labourer on ShiVang's flagship after being refused entry into the Klingon Defence Force. Martok subsequently earned a battlefield commission for defending the ship against a Romulan attack. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")

Fanon continuities[]

In an alternate timeline where Data was brought up in the Klingon Empire rather than the Federation, ShiVang diverted her flagship, IKS Klongat, to Omicron Theta to answer a distress call. There, the newly commissioned Ensign Martok found Data and returned him to the ship.

ShiVang worked to establish what Data's abilities and soon concluded he was a sentient being who could become a Klingon citizen. When Commander Alynna Nechayev suggested the Acts of Cumberland made Data Federation property, ShiVang had the Klingon Naval Academy assess Data further. This proved a success and so ShiVang was able to persuade the High Council to grant Data citizenship. (Data, son of Soong)

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