Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Simeon Damirovich Kozhukhov (Russian: Симеон Дамирович Кожухов) was a human male on active service in the Federation Starfleet in the early 25th century.

In 2406, Kozhukhov held the rank of commander and worked in Starfleet Internal Affairs. Following the secession of the Moab Confederacy, Kozhukhov was dispatched to Starbase Deep Space K-7 to investigate personnel from the breakaway planets. After detaining Ensign Morris Lansky, however, he ran afoul of Lansky's commanding officer Lieutenant Commander Kanril Eleya, who, with the cooperation of Captain Sandra Pickens, pulled rank and invoked constitutional protections to extract Lansky from custody. Subsequently Admiral Stephen Alcott ordered him to cease any attempts at "loyalty tests" and only detain personnel when he had actual evidence of wrongdoing. (The War of the Masters: "For We Should Grow Too Fond of It, Part I")
